Slutz - (Rev) Worthington Brighton
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 23 Aug 1901 p 12
Rev. W.B. Slutz, well known here and a son-in-law of Silas Peterson of this county has notified the official board of the First ME Church in Connersville, that he has accepted a call to the Lincoln Avenue Church, Pittsburg, PA.
Source: El Dorado, Kansas Butler County Democrat 29 Sept 1899 p 1
6th Annual Reunion of the Butler County Soldiers & Sailors Association ... State President Rev. WL Garges of Newton and Rev. WB SLutz of Wichita were introduced and made brief addresses.
Source: Wichita, Kansas Daily Eagle Sun 14 May 1899 p 5
Wichita Training School Commencement
Benediction - Rev. W B Slutz
Traveling Men's Day
Source: Wichita, Kansas Daily Eagle Sun 14 May 1899 p 5
Traveling Men's Day - Supt OA Boyle of the First ME Sunday Shcool has arranged for a special program today and the school will have a Traveling Men's Day - following is the program
... prayer, Rev. WB Slutz ... Words of Greeting .. Rev. WB Slutz
Source: Indianapolis Journal Wed 27 March 1895 p 2
Frankfort, Ind March 26 - The May festival given under the auspices of the ME Church of this city has been posponed for a week later than usual date, owing to the absence in Europe of Rev. WB Slutz, who is on the programme. The festival will commence this year May 12 and continue to May 17. Besides a musical programme of unusual excellence, the following men have been secured to deliver lectures, Rev. Charles N. SIms, Indianapolis; Rev. Parr of Kokomo; Bishop Warren of Denver; Rev. Ray of Des Moines and Rev. Worley B. SLutz, of Carthage, Mo.
Source: Kingman Kansas Leader Courier Thu 13 May 1897 p 5
Dr. Slutz at ME Church Tuesday Evening
Rev. WB Slutz, DD, pastor of First Methodist Church of Witchiga, will lecture at the Methodist Church next Tuesday night. His subject will be: "A Sunday in London." Dr. SLutz is one of the best known and most popular platform speakers in the central west. Having traveled extensively and being a keen observer, he has accumulated very much valuable information which adds greatly to the charm of his lectures. It will be a treat to her him. The Lafayette Indiana COurier says: "Rev. WB SLutz is one of the ablest platform speakers in the state." Dr. Slutz's fervent, enthusiastic and pleasing manner of speaking won for him manby admirers here - Lebanon Indiana Courier.
The morning Democrat says: "Dr. Slutz handled his subject in a most masterrful manner and his terse illustrations and happy hits kept the audience in either a thoughtful or humerous mood throughout the entire discourse. This lecture is under the auspices of the Epworth League and will be free to everybody. Hear Dr. Slutz and be entertained and edified.
Note: There are MANY articles on this well-loved man. Although he is not from Montgomery County, he was here often and often preached in the area. He married Silas Peterson's daughter.