SIgmund - W.H.
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana September 16, 1932
Dr. W.H. Sigmond, the well know Crawfordsville physician was seriouly injured on Thursday of last week when his car ran into a telephone pole on the Lafayette Pike. At first it was thought that his skull was fractured and his neck broken. His recovery is now hoped for. - kbz
Note: Harvey Worth Sigmond born
Chicot County, Arkansas 28 August 1871
son of Dr. Peter G. and Martha Read. Married Helen T.
O'neal 22 October 1907 in Montgomery County.
He passed away 3 January 1933 and she 6 December 1948.
They are buried in Oak Hill, Crawfordsville.
They had at least two sons (possibly more children),
Harvey Worth II and Howard O'Neall Sigmond.