Shipman - Mary Ann Wine
Written and submitted by Marvin Ogburn.
Families – Shipman, Wine, Johnson, Ogburn, Ogborn, Steffey, Hayes, Baldwin, Price
December 2006
The Story of my Great Grandmother
Nancy Ann Shipman (1848-1935)
By: Marvin Ogburn
This story is extracted from my annual Christmas letter regarding our family´s history and genealogy. My great grandmother is Nancy Ann Shipman. The letter reviews my struggles with research of the Shipman family and of my great grandmother´s difficult life growing up.
One of my struggles over the last fifteen years of family research was finding information on my great grandmother, Nancy Ann Shipman (1848-1935), wife of Charles William Ogborn (1852-1935). I made more progress on this family over the last two year than the previous 13 years.
My Dad, John Mark Ogburn, and I made a visit to Hollygrove Mennonite Church in Westover Maryland about 15 years ago. We gained information about Nancy Ann´s year of birth (1848) and year of death (1935) from her tombstone. We also know her maiden name was Shipman. Her tombstone says Nancy Shipman Ogburn (1848-1935). I immediately tried to get her death certificate from the State of Maryland but the State could not find it. I have more about that later.
We are fortunate that the Federal 1850 census was the first census that listed the names of wives and the children. All prior census, just listed the head of household and the number of males and females by age groupings. Without this “break’, I do not think we would have ever found any additional information on Nancy Ann Shipman´s family.
From the 1900 and 1910 census data, I had reason to believe that Nancy Ann was born in Indiana. The National Archives in Washington DC had the old 1850 census records and a listing of Shipmans living in Indiana. I spent quite a few weekends at the Archives looking up every Shipman family hoping to find a Nancy Ann, age 2. I was fortunate that Shipman was not a popular name and that Indiana was not highly populated in 1850. On the next to last Shipman family, I found a Nancy Ann, age 2 living with her family in Cass County, Indiana. That was confirmed when she had an older brother, Henry. We knew Nancy Ann had a brother, Henry. So for the past ten years or so based on census data, I believed (but was not absolute sure) that Nancy Ann´s father was Joseph Shipman (born 1808); mother was Mary A. (born 1810), and she had five brothers and one sister.
I spent hours and hours over the last ten years without much more information for my efforts. It seemed the family had vanished after 1850. I began looking for them in Canada and England. Over the last two years, I got a break through several contacts on the Internet. These people were also researching the family and together we put a number of pieces together. It is an interesting and some times sad story and it makes us who we are!
The process and steps are most likely boring to you and I am not sure that I can remember exactly how and who put what together. Most of it came from a Gentleman in Florida (descendant of Nancy Ann´s oldest brother James Scott) who has spent many, many hours on the family including a month every summer in Indiana. A lady in Indiana had a friend that worked in the courthouse and got information from several counties. We also got bits of information from three or four other people. Let me tell you what I think I know and what I do not know.
Nancy Ann´s father is Joseph Shipman born about 1807 and died 25 Aug 1864 and mother is Mary Ann Wine born 9 Feb 1810 and died 22 Dec 1853. They were married in Montgomery County, Indiana 11 Feb 1835. They lived in Fountain County, Indiana before 1836, they moved to Montgomery County about 1841 to 1842, and moved to Cass County, Indiana between 1846 and 1848. Mary Ann Wine Shipman died on 22 Dec 1853 and is buried in Potts Cemetery, Montgomery County, Indiana. The family moved to Davis County, Iowa about 1855. Joseph Shipman married the lady next door, Elizabeth Wells in 1858. Joseph Shipman joined the Union Army on November 7,1862 at the age of 55, and died in Memphis, Tennessee on 25 Aug 1864. He died a few days before his division was moved north to Indiana. We have not located his place of burial. According to his military papers, he had been sick on and off for about a year. When he joined the Union Army, Joseph indicated his place of birth as Athens County, Ohio. Joseph was a carpenter and his oldest son James Scott was a well-known carpenter. Maybe the carpenter skills in our family came from the Shipman influence. Joseph was 6 feet tall, blue eyes and dark hair. That accounts for the height of his children and maybe his grand children such as my grandfather, Amos Charles Ogburn.
We do not know Joseph Shipman´s parents. I have researched every Shipman family living in Ohio around 1800 to 1810. I cannot make a tie to any of these families. I participate in a Shipman research group and none of the members can tie Joseph Shipman to a family. I am going to try to get several of the Shipman male descendents to give DNA samples. In this way, we may be able to tie our Shipman family to another line of Shipmans.
Mary Ann Wine was born in Virginia 9 Feb 1810. Most of the Wine family in Virginia came from the Shenandoah Valley near where I currently reside. However, I have had no luck tying her to any of these families. Most of the Wine families in Virginia were of the Brethren faith. Family tradition is that Nancy Ann was from a strict religious Brethren background that required her to sit for long periods on Sunday in hard straight back chairs.
It appears Mary Ann Wine married Benjamin Johnson on 22 Jan 1828 in Chesterfield County, Virginia, which is near Richmond. Benjamin Johnson and Mary moved to Montgomery County, Indiana between 1830 and 1832 and he died between 1832 and 1834. Joseph Shipman was the Executor of Benjamin Johnson´s estate, and then married his widow, Mary Ann Wine Johnson on 11 Feb 1835. It would be interesting to figure out whether Benjamin Johnson and Joseph Shipman where relatives or just good friends. Normally you appoint a person as executor that is highly trusted. Joseph Shipman was only in his mid twenties. Benjamin Johnson and Mary Ann Wine Johnson had three children, William Chapman Johnson, Sarah M. Johnson, and Elizabeth Jane Johnson. So, Nancy Ann Shipman had one half brother and two half sisters in addition to the six children listed in the 1850 census. The two girls moved with the family including the move to Iowa. William Chapman Johnson is buried in the same Cemetery with his mother. He died 14 Feb 1854 (age 25) only a few months after his mother´s death. The graveyard is in poor condition and many of the tombstones have been vandalized. Mary Ann Wine Johnson Shipman is buried next to John Andrews Shipman (14 Oct 1853-12 Dec 1853) who died just ten days before his mother. Therefore, Nancy Ann Shipman had a baby brother and mother that died within ten days of each other and a half-brother died two months later.
We also discovered that Nancy Ann had another brother, Elias F. Shipman born about 1852. When they moved to Iowa in 1855, he apparently was too young to make the trip so he stayed in Indiana with another family. Some time in the 1860s, Nancy Ann´s half sister, Elizabeth Jane Johnson Baldwin got him and they moved to Jefferson County Illinois. Elias F. Shipman gained an education and become a Medical Doctor but died a short time later in 1884. He is buried next to his half sister in Jordon Chapel Cemetery, Jefferson County, Illinois. I wonder whether Nancy Ann ever knew what happen to her little brother that they left in Indiana.
When Nancy Ann´s family moved to Iowa, the children of Joseph Shipman were separated among various families. Nancy Ann at a young age lived with at least two other families. About the time Joseph joined the Union Army, Nancy Ann´s brother and sister begin moving out of Iowa. Several moved back to western counties of Indiana. I am not sure when and with whom Nancy Ann moved but we do know that she married James Price in Warren County, Indiana in 1864. Please note that Nancy Ann´s older sister was also married to a Price. Nancy Ann and James had one son, George T. Price. George married Myria “Rye’ last name unknown and they had six children. James Price apparently died in a timber accident. The tradition is that the workers buried him before someone could ride on horseback to tell Nancy Ann. Nancy Ann married Charles William Ogborn on 4 Feb 1874. Charles and Nancy Ann had five children as follows.
Amos Charles married Lydia Kauffman and they had eleven children; Ira Lee, Raymond Edward, Agnes Elizabeth, Levi Amos, Mildred Jewel, Forrest Melvin, Mary Rebecca, Susie Alberta, Walter Lloyd, John Mark, and Earl Fay. Amos and Lydia are buried at the Mummasburg Cemetery, Adams County, PA.
Clara Belle (1876-1966) married Andrew John Hooks (1870-1946). They had ten children including a set of twins; Lelia T, Amos John, Bessie Alma, Dessie E., Claude M., Katie F., Ruth C., Myrtle, Edith, and Alice. John and Clara were married in Garden City, Missouri, then moved to North Dakota, and then again to the eastern shore of Maryland, Somerset County. Both are buried at the Hollygrove Cemetery.
Mary Louella (1880-1971) was married four times, in 1900 to Thomas Warner James, in 1904 to John Tregilgus, in 1934 to Ray Forbes, and in 1960 to Laurence Kenny. The family rumor is that James was Frank James and related to the famous bandit, Jesse James. New information from the relatives in the State of Washington seems to disprove that rumor. Thomas and Mary had one son, Earl James. The story is that James dropped Mary and Earl off at Charles and Nancy´s house and said he would return but never did. John Tregilgus and Mary had eight children; Maudie, Roy Delbert, Everett, Bertha, Dora Leora, John, Ethel, and Mabel. Mary and John moved from North Dakota about 1916 to Illinois and then about 1923 to Kirkland, Washington.
Nola was born 11 Nov 1885 and died November 30 1885. She is buried in Pine Village Cemetery, Pine Village, Indiana. Her tombstone says, “She has left us, Her spirit has fled, Her body now slumbers, along with the dead.’
Otis (1888-1967) was married twice. The first time to Amanda Johnson who died in 1935. They had three children. Caroline who married a Hutchinson and I believe she is still living in NJ. Elmer Glenn died at the age of three and is buried at Holly Grove Cemetery. Charles Olof died in 2003. Otis´s second marriage was to Anina DeLiso. They had two girls, Nancy and Margaret. I believe they are both alive. Otis moved with the family from Indiana, to Missouri, to North Dakota, and then to Maryland. In 1924, he moved to Pennsylvania, then to Minnesota about a year later and then to Montana. After his wife died in 1935, he moved to the State of Washington.
In summary, Nancy Ann Shipman Ogborn had a very difficult early life. At age 5, her mother, baby brother and half brother dies. At age 7, the family moves to Iowa leaving behind her young brother. Tradition indicates that the wagons were so full of goods that there was no room for the children to ride. So they walked from Indiana to Iowa (about 400 miles) and their shoes were so bad that they walked most of the way bare footed. When in Iowa, Nancy Ann was shifted from one home to another. I assume working to take care of younger children. At age 9, her father remarries. At age 14, her father joins the Union Army and dies two years later. At age 16 a few months after the death of her father, she marries James Price and they have a child one year later. Nancy Ann´s husband, James Price, dies leaving her a widow with one child. At age 25, Nancy Ann marries Charles William Ogborn, who is four years younger.
I thought Nancy Ann Shipman had five brothers and one sister. Now, we have discovered that she has seven brothers, one sister, one half brother and two half sisters. Her mother, Mary Ann Wine Johnson Shipman had at least twelve children. We might be missing one additional child, since the obituary for Henry Milton Shipman indicated that he had nine brothers and sisters. A brief summary is as follows. If you are interested, I have additional information regarding the children of some of Nancy Ann´s brothers and sisters.
Mary Ann Wine married Benjamin Johnson on 22 Jan 1828 in Chesterfield Co., Virginia. They had the following three children:
1. William Chapman Johnson was born on 11 Dec 1828 in Virginia. He died on 14 Feb 1854 in Indiana. He was buried in Potts Cemetery, Wayne Twp, Montgomery Co., Indiana.
2. Sarah M. Johnson was born in May 1830 in Virginia. She died on 25 Dec 1903. She married Henry Harrison Hayes on 15 Feb 1846 in Montgomery Co., Indiana. Henry was born in Oct 1818 in Indiana. He died in Oct 1887
3. Elizabeth Jane Johnson was born on 10 Apr 1832 in Indiana. She died on 15 Jan 1911 in Jefferson Co., Illinois. She was buried in Jordan Chapel Cemetery, Jefferson Co., Illinois. Elizabeth married (1) James Ellis on 15 Feb 1848 in Cass Co., Indiana. She married (2) Elias J. Baldwin son of Thomas Baldwin and Susannah Stull on 12 Mar 1851 in Montgomery Co., Indiana. Elias was born on 8 Jul 1820 in Butler Co., Ohio. He died on 9 Sep 1894 in Jefferson Co., Illinois. He was buried in Jordan Chapel Cemetery, Jefferson Co., Illinois.
Mary married Joseph Shipman on 11 Feb 1835 in Montgomery Co., Indiana. They had the following nine children:
4. James Scott Shipman was born on 12 Apr 1836 in Fountain Co., Indiana. He died on 7 Jan 1926 in Benton Co., Indiana. He was buried in Mt. Gilboa Cemetery, Benton Co., Indiana. J.S. married Mary Elizabeth Merrell daughter of Daniel Merrell and Nancy Ann Tracy on 6 Mar 1863. Mary was born in 1844 in Indiana. She died on 6 Sep 1894.
5. Daniel Shipman was born about 1838 in Indiana.
6. Abigail Emily Shipman was born on 12 Mar 1840 in Indiana. She died on 8 Mar 1926 in Central City, Merrick Co., Nebraska. Abigail married Fredrick Price on 17 Oct 1856. Frederick was born about 1831 in Indiana. She married (2) William Henry Steffey on 26 Mar 1866. William was born on 13 Aug 1839 in Pennsylvania. He died on 26 Jul 1907 in Central City, Merrick Co., Nebraska.
7. George C. Shipman was born about 1842 in Indiana. George married Mary Jane Osborne daughter of Shelton C. Osborne and Nancy Reed on 20 Apr 1865 in Benton Co., Indiana. Mary was born in 1846 in Indiana.
8. Henry Milton Shipman was born on 12 Apr 1844 in Montgomery Co., Indiana. He died on 27 Nov 1933 in Rensselear, Jasper Co., Indiana. He was buried in Weston Cemetery, Jasper Co., Indiana. Henry married Irene Jane Richeson on 16 Feb 1871 in Newton Co., Indiana. Irene was born on 24 Oct 1844 in Indiana. She died on 16 Oct 1905 in Newton Co., Indiana. She was buried in Weston Cemetery, Jasper Co., Indiana.
9. Marshall Shipman was born about 1846 in Indiana.
10. Nancy Ann Shipman was born on 29 May 1848 in Deer Creek Twp., Cass Co., Indiana. She died on 14 Nov 1935 in Westover, Somerset Co., Maryland. She was buried on 16 Nov 1935 in Hollygrove Mennonite Cemetery, Westover, Maryland. Nancy married James Price on 24 Dec 1864 in Warren County, Indiana. She married (2) Charles William Ogborn son of Amos Ogborn and Lucinda Gage on 4 Feb 1874 in Pine Village, Warren Co., Indiana. Charles was born on 24 Dec 1852 in Pine Village, Warren Co., Indiana. He died on 11 Sep 1935 in Westover, Somerset Co., Maryland. He was buried in Hollygrove Mennonite Cemetery, Westover, Maryland.
11. Elias Francis Shipman was born about 1852 in Cass County, Indiana and died in 1884. He is buried in Jordon Chapel Cemetery, Jefferson County, Illinois.
12. John Andrews Shipman was born on 14 Oct 1853. He died on 12 Dec 1853. He is buried in Potts Cemetery, Wayne Twp, Montgomery Co., Indiana.
In 2006, the State of Maryland put the death certificates on the Internet and by searching through 1935, I found Nancy Ann´s death certificate. It was under the name Annie Ogburn. This was her nickname. This gave us her month and day of birth and death. The death certificate indicates her year of birth as 1847 but the tombstone and other data available supports 1848 as her year of birth. The death certificate indicates her father as Joseph Shipman and mother as unknown Wines.
If you have any information on the Shipman or related families, please write me at 2525 Fridleys Gap Road Harrisonburg, VA 22802, or email If I can help in any way, just drop me a note.