Shannon - Joseph Jordan
Source: 1881 H. W. Beckwith History of Montgomery County Indiana
Chicago: HH Hill, p 547
Dr. JJ Shannon, physician, Shannondale, was b. in Woodford Co,
Ky Feb 17, 1825 where his parents, David A. and Nancy (ALEXANDER)
Shannon were marr. and removed with them to Indiana in Sept 1836
settling in Parkersburg, Scott Twp. His father occupied a
prominent position in Ky; was a member of the convention in 1851
at which the constitution was amended. The town of Shannondale
was surveyed by the doctor's father and named after him. Dr.
Shannon received his education at the district school, and until
18 worked on the farm. In 1845 he began the study of medicine,
and spent two years with Dr. H LABARLEE, of Ladoga. He then
removed to Beckville, where he remained 3 years and at the end of
that time settled in Shannondale where he has since continued to
reside. He marr. Miss Hester E. PALMER and has a family of 6
children: Cornelia E, b. March 20, 1853; George W, b. Aug 3,
1855; Charles D Aug 1, 1858; Edward Z, Feb 23, 1861; Lizzie P.,
March 16, 1864; May B Dec 17, 1871. Mrs. Shannon was b. April 25,
1834 in NY. Her mother, Hester Palmer d. Jan 1, 1864. His father
d. Aug 13, 1870 and his mother June 18, 1880. The doctor is a
member of the IOOF [Independent Order of Odd Fellows] and takes great interest in Shannondale Lodge,
of which he was the originator and organizer, and still takes
great interest in its welfare. In politics he is a member of the
Democratic party.

Source: The Crawfordsville Journal - June 7, 1907
Dr. Joseph Jordan Shannon, an aged and highly respected citizen of Shannondale, died at his home there Thursday about noon, after a lingering illness of five years, the greater part of which he was confined in his bed with a complication of diseases. The town of Shannondale was laid out by him and was named after him. For years he was the only physician at Shannondale. He was a Democrat and believed firmly in the tenets of his party. The deceased was in his eighty-third year. He was a member of the Odd Fellows' lodge and when in good health was actively identified for the good of the order. Besides his wife there are five children. They are Mrs. James Hopper of Lebanon, Miss May Shannon, who lives at home; Charles Shannon, George Shannon and Edgar Shannon, all of whom reside in or near Shannondale. The funeral will take place at Shannondale Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Odd Fellows will be in charge of the ritualistic services at the Cemetery.
Transcribed by: Tracy Jones 3-10-2002