Servies - Larry Dean

Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review January 9, 1979
A 16-year-old boy has been arrested on charges of arson following a fire Tuesday which caused an estimated $16,000 damage to a Waveland home. Waveland Volunteer Fire Department Chief Larry Servies said the youth was apprehended yesterday following an investigation by him and officials of the Indiana State Fire Marshal®s office. The fire was in the Elmore Poore home, 701 W. Main St., in Waveland. Firefighters received a call at 10:40 yesterday morning. Servies said the fire was started in the attic of the home. Ex act details on how the fire was started were not available, however, Servies noted an accelarant was not used. Firefighters were able to contain the blaze to the upstairs section of the home. Damage to the building was e stimated at $10,000 by Servies, with an additional $6,000 damage to the contents. The family, which consists of Mr. and Mrs. Poore and three children, was not at home at the time of the blaze, according to Servies. The fi re was discovered by a passerby who saw smoke coming from the house. Servies said there were no major problems encountered while fighting the fire, but noted a gusty wind did add to smoke problems. He also said there was some minor freezing of gauges, but nothing serious. In another fire Tue sday, Crawfordsville firefighters were called to the Richard Weber apartments at 402 S. Washington St. about 2:40 p.m. The blaze, which was start ed by an electric light in a bathroom, was contained to the attic and the ceiling on the second floor. An estimated $15,000 damage was caus ed by the blaze. These are the fifth and sixth fires in Montgomery Coun ty within the past two days. - jlr
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana - unknown date - about 1952
When he was only 15 years old, Larry Servies had a chance to be an assistant to Bill Machledt when he took his ambulance to the Jungle Park race track to serve on a stand-by basis in case an accident occurred. As so often becomes true, that event led in turn to others, and so in the course of time dictated the future career which Larry chose for himself. After graduating in 1951, from Waveland HS where he served as studnet manager of the basketblal team and student director of the band, Larry Attended and graduated from the Indiana College of Mortuary Science at Indianapolis. He was now definitel ycommitted to his choice of his life's work, but a period of military service was required and forced temporary postponement of his plans. Larry is now stationed at Fort Collins, Colorado with the 529th Signal Company and is due to receive his discharge April 8.
As was officially announced this week, when he returns to Waveland he will assume an active role as a full partner of the Machledt & Servies Funeral Home and Store. Formerly interested in local affairs, Larry expects to take an active role in community events. He still holds the title of Assistant Fire Chief with the Waveland Volunter Fire Department. Larry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Servies - kbz
Note: I have known Larry Dean (as my grandparents and parents always called him - officially he might be Larry D. Servies) since well, when I was born, I believe. His parents and my grandparents were good friends, living just through an open yard from each other. Loved talking to his dad - both of his parents were fine people and reveled in their only child's accomplishments. Many they were, as seen above. He also ran several successful businesses in the town of Waveland. For quite some time, he (Machledt's before then he puchased it) ran the Machledt & Servies Furniture Company in downtown Waveland, had the Servies (later partnered with Carl Morgan) Lumber Company which was an amazing place. Many workers in the town of Waveland would be impressed with the fact they could get anything they wanted. Might be a bit more expensive but not much and Sharon McClure Cook, who worked for Larry and Carl was amazingly knowledgeable. Of course, the Machledt & Servies Funeral Home which was later, Servies & Morgan still exists somewhere in the 60th year range.
Larry Dean and Carl also purchased several other local funeral homes as they went out of business in the small towns, having one in Ladoga, as well as other area towns.
Larry Dean is a special man with many talents, being a wit is one. However, he has an extremely dry sense of humor. Here is a perfect example told to me by Alana Lewellen who grew-up in our town. "Larry went up to my mind with a tape measure, pulling it out and walking around her, and measuring/registered numbers. 'What are you doing?" His answer: "Well, Mary, I just wanted to make sure I get the right measurements as you don't look real well today!"