Purviance - Samuel

NOTE: The pictures are: Dr. Purviance and son, Edward (Edgar) and Dr. Purviance's wife, Phoebe Ann and daughter, Margaret
A Useful Life ended. The Death of Dr. Samuel W. Purviance Occurs Quietly at Noon To-Day
. Dr. Samuel W. Purviance passed away so quietly at noon to-day that the watchers at his bedside were not aware of the presence of the Great Destroyer until the end had come. Dr. Purviance had been sick for several months and sank gradually until his death, which has been almost hourly expected for the past two weeks. Throughout his illness he maintained a cheerful disposition, truly remarkable, when the length and painfulness of his sickness was considered. The funeral will occur from the family residence on the corner of Main and Water streets on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. G.W. Switzer officiating. The interment will occur at Oak Hill Cemetery. [Samuel W. Purviance was born in Fountain City, Ind., on July 29, 1823, and after a public school education prepared himself for entrance to the Miami Medical College, from which he graduated with distinguished honors in 1846. After graduation he entered his profession, his practice extending over Randolph and Wayne counties. He was highly successful and in 1865 he removed to Crawfordsville and at once secured a large practice. From that time until he was taken down with what proved a fatal illness, he continued faithful in his healing office to all men, often rising at the dead hour of night to minister to those from whom renumeration [sic] could never be expected. Modest and unassuming he has been a familiar figure in our midst for many years, honored and respected by all for his strict integrity, kindness and gentleness to all. He stood high in his profession and was well known all over this section of the country. He was a consistent member of the Methodist Church, as are all members of his family. He leaves a wife, his son Edward and his daughter, Mrs. M.W. Bruner, besides a large circle of other relatives and friends to mourn his loss. A courteous gentleman and a devout Christian, he passes away leaving his beautiful character as a fit model for emulation to other men.]
Transcribed by: Tracy Jones 3-10-2002
Purviance, Samuel W. Place of Birth: Oh New Paris, Ohio Date of Birth: 7.29.1823 Place of Death: Crawfordsville, Indiana
Date of Death: 11.10.1891 Schools attended: Starling Year Medical Grad or Attendance: 1848
Wife: Phebe A. b. In 1827 Children: 1
Membership in Medical Orgz.: Indiana State Medical Society-admitted 1872, 1880, 1882-83
Office in Medical Orgz: Wayne County Medical Society 1859 / Tres / Censor-Montgomery County Med Soc 1880
Obit location: TISMS 1892;283
County: Randolph(Spartanburgh-1850) / Wayne-1860 / / Montgomery (Crawfordsville)
Additional Sources: HRC 1882 Sources: 1850c $500 / 1860c $3500 / $900 // / P1886 / Indiana State Board of Health 1882, 1884, 1890 Record# 88097 in database 19th Indiana Century Physicians
Source: 19th Century Database of Indiana Physicians