Naylor - Isaac Eaton

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 21 January 1909 p 4
Dr. I.E.G. Naylor, one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of this city, and one of the oldest physicians in the state, died shortly after midnight this morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Howard, on Seminary street. He had reached a ripe old age, being in his ninetieth year. His death was due to the infirmities of old age superinduced by a hard fall a week ago. Dr. Naylor was quite feeble and while attempting to go from a couch to a Morris chair he fell to the floor, injuring his hip, either breaking it or tearing the ligaments loose. At any rate, his vitality was such that he was ill able to withstand the shock and the injury brought on partial paralysis. Since Sunday the venerable doctor has been unconscious and his death ahs been expected at any time. Two weeks ago he returned from Lebanon, where he had visited Mrs. C. B. Adair and Mrs. T. E. Booher, two of his daughters. Since the death of his wife four years ago last July he has been living with these daughters and Mrs. John Howard of this city. Dr. Naylor came to this city three=quarters of a century ago, and spent practically his entire life in this County for the greater part, over fifty years, of it in the active practice of medicine at Darlington. In his prime he was a man of strong will and was possessed of a fertile mind, backed up by great energy. He had a wonderful memory and until he lost his hearing a few years ago could tell most interestingly of his life in the pioneer days and of the early history of the County. It was about twelve years ago that he gave up the practice of medicine at Darlington and came here, and has not since attempted to follow his profession. The funeral party will leave here Saturday morning and take the body via the northbound Vandalia passenger to Darlington, where the funeral services will take place at the Darlington Methodist Church at ten. Rev. M. H. Appleby, pastor of the Methodist Church at Lebanon, will have charge, assisted by Rev. C. B. Stanforth, pastor of the Darlington Methodist Church at Darlington. The interment will take place at a Darlington Cemetery where he will be laid to rest by the side of his wife. Dr. Naylor was a son of Charles B. and Lydia Gano Naylor. They were natives of Frankfort, Ky., and emigrated to Charleston, Clark County Indiana, where Dr. Naylor was born in October 19, 1819. When seven years old his parents removed to Salem, Ind. While there he served an apprenticeship as printer with Ebenezer Patrick. In 1832 they moved to Danville, Ind., and after a year's residence there came to Crawfordsville. He was employed in the Record office, at that time edited by I. T. Wade. He attended Wabash College, when it was located west of town on the creek. About 1839 he commenced the study of medicine. He read medicine with Dr. Bartholomew, Dr. Canby, Drs. Morgan and Snook, all of this city. In 1841 he went to Darlington where he taught the second school ever taught there. In 1843 he went back to his native town, editing the Clark County Mirror and began the practice of medicine. Leaving Charleston again, he located in Camden, Ind., and practised [sic] professionally a short time. He then came back to this County and located at Darlington again, where he formed a partnership with Dr. A. W. Armstrong, remaining there for more than half century, practicing his profession until his hearing caused him to retire. During the war he was active in raising recruits for the army and served as assistant surgeon in Col. Rice's regiment, which was raised at Lafayette to operate against Morgan. In politics he was an ardent Republican. He was married in 1845 to Calista W. Huffman, who that year came with her parents from northern Ohio. She died four years ago. Of the ten children born to this union five daughters survive. They are Mrs. Ida Rhorer of Richmond, Ind., Mrs. C. B. Adair and Mrs. T. E. Booher, of Lebanon, and Mrs. John Howard and M late J. E. Naylor, who died in Marion a year ago, was his son. Two children died in infancy. Charles Naylor died during the civil war and George Naylor died at Terre Haute several years ago.
Transcribed by: Tracy Jones 3-10-2002
Source: H. W. Beckwith History of Montgomery County, Indiana (HH Hill: Chicago, 1881)
Dr. I. E. G. NAYLOR, physician, Darlington. Prominent among the early settlers and professional men stands the name of Dr. Naylor, whose life has been a busy one, and the positions he has filled greatly varied in character. Teacher, printer, editor, saw-miller, merchant, druggist and physician, all have known him, and in all he has made his mark. He was born in Charlestown, Clark County, Indiana, October 9, 1819, his parents, Charles B. and Lydia (GANO) Naylor, being natives of Frankfort, Kentucky, who emigrated to Clark County in 1799. When the subject of this memoir was seven years old his parents removed to Salem, and there remained until 1832, and during his residence here he served an apprenticeship as printer with Ebenezer PATRICK. From Salem he went to Danville, then after a four years' residence, to Crawfordsville, where he obtained employment in the " Record " office, at that time edited by I. F. WADE. In 1841 he came to Darlington and remained there until 1843, having taught the second school in town, at that time in its infancy. Next we find him back in his native town, in 1843, editing the "Clark County Mirror," and engaged in the practice of medicine. On leaving Charlestown the second time he settled in Camden, where he practiced professionally for a short period. His next removal was to Darlington, where he still resides, engaged in the management of his large drug establishment, and attending to the extensive and lucrative practice which he has built up by his skill and industry. In 1845, while at a camp meeting, he became acquainted with Miss Calista W. HUFFMAN, a young lady, who, with her father, Mr. Peter Huffman, had just arrived from New York. The acquaintance thus formed soon ripened into love, and in the same year he led her to the altar. The result of this union is a family of ten children: Charles, who died at Bowling Green, Kentucky, while in the 86th Ind. reg.; George, Kossuth (deceased), Ida, Ellen, Fanny (deceased), Tamson, Hattie and John, and one who died in infancy. In 1848 the doctor edited the " Delphi Herald," and during the war was active in raising recruits for the army, and served as assistant surgeon in Col. Rice's regiment, which was raised at Lafayette to operate against Morgan. He is a member of the I.O.O.F., and of the Methodist Church, and in politics is independent. kbz
Tales Of Our Forefathers And Biographical Annals Of Families
Allied To Those Of McPike, Guest And Dumont Albany, N.Y.: J.
Munsell's Sons, 1898, p 135
Isaac Naylor was born in Rockingham Co VA in 1790. When about 36 years of age he married Mary Catherine Anderson a daughter of Capt. Robert Anderson and his wife, Catherine Dumont. As judge he traveled the circuit and held court until he had reached his his 79th year. He died in Crawfordsville, Indiana in 1873. Was a resident of the town for 50 years, a soldier of 1811, 1812, 1813 and 1814, a hero of Tippecanoe, a pioneer of Indiana and as long one of the judges as any man who ever lived or died in that State. His courage, integrity and high character will long make his name of blessed memory, not only among his own descendants but all who are thoughtful enough to realize that much of our present prosperity and happiness is but a natural sequence to the indefatigable labors of those who have preceded us. kbz