Marmaduke - William - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Marmaduke - William

Source: New Richmond Record 11 Feb 1915

William Marmaduke received notice Tuesday afternoon of his appointment as Postmaster at Wingate by President Wilson to succeed JA Long who has served as postmaster for 12 years.  Mr. Marmaduke is a democrat and was one of three aspirants for the postmastership.

Source: New Richmond Record 20 Sept 1900 p 4

Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Town Trustees of the town of Wingate, Montgomery County, state of Indiana, at the office of the Town Clerk, until 7 o’clock p. m., October 1,1900, for furnishing the necessary labor and materials for the improvement of the East side of Vine street from the first alley North of Walnut street to Bascum Avenue; also, the West side of Main Cross street from the North line of lot No. 58, in the town of Wingate, to Bascum Avenue; and, in front of lot No. 4 in P. H. Patterson’s addition to said town of Wingate.

Also, the North side of High street, in front of lot No. 26, in the town of Pleasant Hill, now Wingate. Also, the West side of Garfield street from Wabash street South 840 feet to stake naught (0), in said town of Wingate. All according to the plans and specifications therefor on file in the office of the Town Clerk in the town of Wingate.

The above described improvements being that part of the improvements ordered by the Trustees of the said town on the 7th day of May, by declaratory resolution, which have not been made by the property owners as then ordered. Each bid must be accompanied by an acceptable bond of equal amount with Montgomery County freehold security. Said improvement to be completed within thirty (30) days from the day of letting.

Forms for bids and bonds will be furnished by the Town Clerk upon application.  The trustees reserve the right to reject any or all bids.  
By Order of the Town Board ... William Marmaduke - clerk of town of Wingate

Note: He was born 1869 in Fountain County (Newtown).  He served as postmaster to Wingate until 1923.  In 1924, he opened a grocery business and did that until 1950.  He passed June 7, 1951 and is buried in his beloved town of Wingate at Greenlawn Cemetery.  
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