Markley - Edith Warfel

Shelley Cardiel wrote:
I've "rescued" an old photograph of Edith MARKLY or MARKLEY which
was taken at the Phillips & Bergstresser Studio in Danville,
Illinois. The photograph appears to have been taken on Edith's 2nd
birthday, 14 Mar 1888.
Based on limited research I was able to gather the following information regarding Edith and her family:
Edith Warfel MARKLEY b. 14 Mar 1886 in Danville, IL to parents Aaron
Schwenk MARKLEY (b. 25 Nov 1851 in Montgomery Co. IN) and Ella WARFEL
(b. 5 Feb 1857). Her parents were married in Clermont, IN on 28 Jun
1877 and together they had three children, Mabel Indiana; Howard Naylor;
and Edith Warfel MARKLEY, the first born in Crawfordsville, IN in 1878
and the last two in Danville in 1882 and 1886. Census records provide
the following information:
1900 census of Danville, IL: Aaron
MARKLY, age 49, born Nov 1851, married 22 years, born PA, parents born
PA, a Bridge Master Ella MARKLY, wife, age 45, born Feb 1855, married 22
years, 3 children/3 living, born IN, parents born PA/IN Mable MARKLY,
dau, age 20, born Jul 1879, born IN, a School Teacher Howard MARKLY,
son, age 18, born Feb 1882, born IL, a Baggageman Edith MARKLY, dau, age
14, born Mar 1886, born IL, at School
1910 census of Danville,
IL: Aaron S. MARKLEY, age 59, married 32 years, born PA, parents born
PA, a Master Carpenter for Steam Railroad Ella W. MARKLEY, wife, age 51,
married 32 years, 3 children/3 living, born IN, parents born PA/IN
Howard MARKLEY, son, age 28, born IL, a Steam Railroad Conductor Edith
W. MARKLEY, dau, age 24, born IL, a School Teacher
Note: This was in 2009 so the above e-mail is likely not good, could be :)
1920 Census lived 432 North Hazel Street - Superintendent of Railroad Bridges
Age 67 PA PA PA
Ella W. wife 60 IN PA PA
Ross, Indiana mother-in-law 80 widowed IND Ten Ten
Ross, Indiana mother-in-law 80 widowed IND Ten Ten
Forker, Harlow lodger 19 Ciivl Engineer Railroad
Karakee, Cyrus Lodger 33 Teacher HS
--Edith never married and died at age 95 on the last day of July in 1981 in Dnaville, Illinois buried with her parents at Spring Hill Cemetery, Danville, Illinois
Her father, Aaron died on the 14th of October 1920 (born 25 Nov 1850 in Pennsylvania per above and
Her mother, Ellie Warfel Markley was born in Clermont, Indiana 2-4-1859 to Martin Bloomfield Warfle and Indiana McClelland Ross - she married Aaron 6-28-1877 and died 6-22-1951