LAYNE Family
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Front row - Ralph McMurtrey, Judith McMurtrey, Forest Layne, Thelma McMurtrey, Helen McMurtrey
File Created: 31 July 2010
2nd row - George McMurtrey holding Gwendolyn McMurtrey, Robert Goslin, John Averitt, James Layne, Ruby Goslin, Walter Shannon
3rd row - Nannie Avritt McMurtrey, Opal Goslin, Ida Owens, Judith Avritt, Minnie Layne, Genie Avritt Goslin, Jim Goslin
This is a picture my cousin gave me of both sides of my mother's family. Between Ida and Minnie is Judith Tague Avritt, my step-great-grandmother. Seated in front of her is my great-grandfather John Franklin Avritt. His daughter, my grandmother, Nannie Avritt McMurtrey, is first on the left back row; my grandfather, George McMurtrey, is seated in front of her with my mother on his lap. I believe this was taken in the fall of 1910. The only other family name in the picture is Goslin. I don't know of any connection between the Avritts/McMurtreys and the Owens/Layne/Shannon families, yet they are all in this picture. I'd love to find out if these folks tie in together somehow. Kris
File Created: 31 July 2010