Jones - Oliver - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Jones - Oliver

Oliver H. JONES, MD.

Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Counties, Indiana (Chapman Brothers, 1893) p 697

Oliver H. JONES, MD., is one of the leading physicians of Montgomery County and ranks at the head of the profession. In other ways, Dr. Jones has become prominent in the county. He is a member of the Council, and was one of the prime movers in the scheme which had for its object the management of the electric-light plant by the city. The subject of this sketch was born two miles from Crawfordsville, Montgomery County Aug 20, 1843. He was the son of Daniel and Margaret (Skillman) Jones both from Butler Co OH. Mr. Jones, Sr. was a wagon builder by trade and in 1832 removed to Indiana but here he became an extensive farmer. A public-spirited man, he was always active in measure for the public good and for many years was President of the old Montgomery County Agricultural Society. His death occurred 1880 when 72 years of age and his wife preceded him 4 years. The family of children were 7 boys and 2 girls and the subject of this sketch was the 7th child. At age 20, Mr. Jones left the farm. His had been the experience of many another ambitious lad, studying and working, sometimes at farming and then at carpenter work until he could teach school and then waiting for the right opening into the desired path. This opening came for Mr. Jones when he was 22. He had attended the preparatory department of Wabash College and then entered the office of Dr. McClelland and enjoyed his instruction until he was prepared for college. He took his first course of lectures in the winter of 1873-74 at Medical College, Indianapolis and then the course at Miami Medical College graduating from there March 1, 1875. The following month he opened an office at Mace, in Montgomery County and continued there 10 years, having an extensive practice. In 1885 he changed his location to Crawfordsville and has practiced through the county. He is a member of the county and State medical Societies and American Medical Association and has represented the different societies at St. Paul in 1882 and Washington in 1883. In political affairs, Dr. Jones has been very active and supported the Democratic ticket. He was elected City Council in 1890 over an old member, Dr. Duncan and at once took a firm stand in favor of the city owning and operating her own electric light plant which has proven to be such a boon to the city. His interest has been shown in many other ways and he has been one of those favoring the electric fire alarm. All of his acts have fully exemplified his interest in the prosperity of the city. The marriage of Dr. Jones took place April 26, 1866 to Miss Abbie Morris but this union was severed by her death in 1885. In 1887, Dr. Jones married Miss Mary Johnson the accomplished lady who is now his wife. Her home was Franklin Ind., and now the residence of our subject and wife is 410 S. Washington Street, Crawfordsville. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in which the Dr. holds to position of Steward. Mrs. Jones is a lady of great refinement and culture who has a talent for artistic work and she is also known in literary circles. her oil paintings have excited much admiration and show much talent. For 15 years Dr. Jones has held membership in Knights of Pythias, Uniformed Rank in which he has passed the chairs and he has been a Representative to Grand Lodge. Dr. Jones also affiliates fraternally with Order of Red Men and both he and his wife enjoy social prominent in the city.  -- typed by kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Review, Thurs Feb 24, 1916

Dr. Oliver H. JONES was born two miles east of Crawfordsville Aug 20, 1843 and descended from worthy pioneer ancestors with a good heredity. He departed this life after a long illness from his home in this city Jan 30, 1916. He was early attracted to the study of medicine and attended Miami Medical College at Cincinnati, Ohio and graduated from the same in 1875 and located at Mace where he for several years successfully followed his chosen profession. The same year he joined the Montgomery County Medical Society and was an honored and respected member of the same and remainder of his life.. He was also a member of the Indiana State Medical Society. It was about 1887 that he located here in continuation of his practice Dr. Jones was a man of quiet demeanor positive in character, charitable, companionable and ethical wtih a high regard for spiritual things, in fact a true Christian gentleman. To his professional brethren a sound advisor, a friend to be trusted, manifesting in his every day life that principle which characterizes the true physician. He has solved the mystery of life and passed the birth of death so-called to immortal life.  -- typed by kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Review, Jan 31, 1916

Dr. Oliver H. JONES, 72 and one half years and one of the well known physicians of Montgomery County died at the home on Pike Street in this city near noon Sunday after an illness of 2 months of heart trouble, complicated with lagrippe. Dr. Jones has been in ill health for two years. In that time he was, at times a very sick man but from these attacks he would recover sufficiently to attend to business but he never recovered his normalcondition. Oliver Hazard Jones was born in the vicinity of Smartsburg Aug 20, 1843. He was the son of Daniel S. and Margaret Skelton Jones. Of the large family of two girls and 7 boys, but one brother survives, Hezekiah. He lives in California. Arthur, Orlando and Elmer Jones of this city are nephews sons of his brother, David; Edgar of Linden is a nephew, Paul, Ellen and Pearl of this city are grand nephews and nieces. Dr. Jones gained his education in the schools of Montgomery County, later took a course of medicine in the Miami Medical College graduating in 1875. For a time he practiced his profession in the vicinity of Mace, later moved to this city and was continuously in the practice until his recent sickness. He was for many years a member of the pension board of medical examiners of the county. The deceased was twice married but no children were born. His wife MInnie Mitchell Jones died in Feb 1914. The friendship and devotion between these, was a matter of common comment by those who knew them well. The wife was very devoted to the quiet grave husband, the husband very proud of the accomplishments of his estimable wife. It is very probable that the sickness and death of his wife hastened the death of the husband, as Dr. Jones frequently stated to his intimate friends that he had now little to live for. The deceased was a studious man of quite orderly ways. When active in the pursuits of his profession, he gave little time to social matters or to the gaining of friendship, but in the hours when the demands of his work were not pressing, the visitor and friend might find in the grave doctor, a fine conversationalist a man of generous impulses and with charitable views. The funeral service will be held at the late home Tuesday afternoon 2 o 'clock and will be in charge of Rev. Kirkpatrick and McKinzie, minister of the Methodist church, of which organization the deceased was a devout member burial in Oak Hill.   -- typed by kbz

Source: 19th Century Database of Indiana Physicians

Schools attended: Miami Medical College, Cincinnati Miami

Year Medical Grad or Attendance: 1875

Membership in Medical Orgz.: Indiana State Medical Society-admitted 1876, 1880, 1882-83

Obit location: JISMA v. 9;66 (1916)

County: Montgomery (Mace / Crawfordsville)

Med. Reg./Exam.: 7.16.97

Sources: P1886 / Physicians Directory of Kentucky and Indiana 1893 / Indiana State Board of Health 1882, 1884, 1890

Record# 11090 in database 19th Indiana Century Physicians

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