Jones - Harriet Martha - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Jones - Harriet Martha

Source: Register Of Negro & Mulattos -Montgomery County,  Indiana-1851

Harriet Martha Jane JONES, aged about 25 years, a Mullatto  (sic) woman, wife of Andrew Hunter Jones, born in the state of  Indiana, residence in Crawfordsville, Indiana, appeared before  the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Montgomery County, Indiana on  the 7th day of September A.D. 1853 for registry and it was proved  to the satisfaction of said Clerk by the testimony of James  HEATON that said Harriet Martha Jane JONES was inhabitant of the  state of Indiana at and prior to the first day of November A.D.  1851. Therefore, it is determined by said Clerk that said Harriet  Martha Jane Jones is entitled to reside in the state of Indiana.  Registered September 7th A.D. 1853. Attest : Andrew P LYNN,  Clerk, Montgomery Circuit Court. -- typed by kbz
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