Johnston - Charles - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Johnston - Charles

Source: Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain County, Indiana. Indianapolis: Chapman Brothers, 1893, p 468.

Charles JOHNSTON, one of the prominent and popular public men of Crawfordsville, is the senior member of the flourishing law firm of Johnston & Johnston. Mr. Johnston was born April 10, 1853, near Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana and was the son of Archibald and Sarah (Keller) Johnston. Charles was reared on the farm until 1881, after his majority conducting the operations there. His early education was obtained in the common schools and later at an academy and in 1878 he began the reading of law in prepartion for his future life work. Shortly after this he became a student in the law department of the Michigan University and graduated from there in theclass of 1880. However, he still called the farm his home for two years longer and then formed the presnet partnership. The first location of the new firm was at Darlington and was continued at th at place until their office was destroyed by fire in 1885. The loss was deeply felt, as a valuable law library was thus destroyed, but the brothers were not at all dismayed. However, they decided that as a new location was necessary they would probably find a wider field if they settled at the county seat, and consequently moved to Crawfordsville. Here, in 1884, Charles was a candidate for Prosecuting attorney for the district composed of Montgomery and Parke counties but was defeated by Mr. Howard of Parke. At the next session of the legislature parke and Montgomery counties were divided and Mr. Johnston was at once appointed by Gov Isaac P. Gray as Prosecuting Attorneyf or Montgomery County. Mr. Howard appealed to the courts, claiming that he was elected for the entire district and could not be deprived of part of his territory by legislative action, but must serve out his term. Before a hearing of the case was had by the Supreme Court, Mr. Johnston had entered upon the official duties of the office and for 21 days applied himself assiduously tot he demands of hte offical work. However, the Supreme Court sustained the claims made by Howard and Mr. Johnston surrendered the office. He had shown peculiar fitness for the position in the short time in which he had held it. Charles Johnston has been closely identified with the Democratic party and in 1888 was made Chairman of the County Committees. The campaign of that year was conducted under his personal supervision and he was upon the stump almost constantly through the heat of the conflict. He has a pleasant address and is a forcible, logical speaker, being bold and fearless in defending the fundamental principles of Democracy and no voice is heard upon the husting that carries greater weight with it. Mr. Johnston served as Chairman of Union Twp for 3 campaigns and conductyed himself in such an agreeable way as to win many friends among his political opponents. In December 1891, Mr. Johnston was elected by the Board of County Commissioners as Attorney for th e Board and reelected Dec 1892 his investigation and research into matters pertaining to public improvements and taxation making him a desirable advisor and counsellor for the county. Our subject was married Feb 16, 1882 to Miss Maggie Jackman of near Crawfordsville daughter of Robert Jackman and the pleasant residence of Mr. Johnston and family is at 904 W. Main. Two lovely children, Burl R and Fannie are the children who welcome Mr. Johnston at his hearth but he sustained a severe loss in the death of a very bright little fellow, Earl who passed away upon his sixth birthday. Personally, Mr. Johnston posses a fund of social qualities and he is a welcome companion in whatever gathering and under all circumstances. He is a pleasant after-dinner speaker and while his utterances are models of grace and faultless in expression they bear a sparkling wit, overflow with good feeling and are the expressions of a mind not darkened by vain ambition. -- typed by kbz
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