Johnson - Josiah - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Johnson - Josiah

Source: Register Of Negro & Mulattos -Montgomery County, Indiana-1851

Josiah JOHNSON, aged about 38 years, a Negro man, about five feet six inches high, a scar on his forehead, the second finger on his left hand out of joint, born in the state of Maryland, residence in Franklin Township, Montgomery County, Indiana, appeared before the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Montgomery County, Indiana on the 5th day of November A.D. 1853 for registry and it was proved to the satisfaction of said Clerk by the testimony of Henry T. SNOOK that said Josiah Johnson was inhabitant of the state of Indiana at and prior to the first day of November A.D. 1851. Therefore, it is determined by said Clerk that said Josiah Johnson is entitled to reside in the state of Indiana. Registered November 5th A.D. 1853. Attest : Andrew P LYNN, Clerk, Montgomery Circuit Court.


Source: Register Of Negro & Mulattos -Montgomery County, Indiana-1851

Josiah JOHNSON, aged about 7 years, a Negro boy, son of Greenberry Johnson, born in the state of Kentucky, residence in Union Township, Montgomery County, Indiana, appeared before the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Montgomery County, Indiana on the 5th day of November A.D. 1853 for registry and it was proved to the satisfaction of said Clerk by the testimony of Henry T. SNOOK that said Josiah Johnson was inhabitant of the state of Indiana at and prior to the first day of November A.D. 1851. Therefore, it is determined by said Clerk that said Josiah Johnson is entitled to reside in the state of Indiana. Registered November 5th A.D. 1853. Attest : Andrew P LYNN, Clerk, Montgomery Circuit Court.
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