Johnson - John Amos - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Johnson - John Amos

Source: Citizens Historical Association, Indianapolis, Ind: Aug 10, 1940

John Amos Johnson, son of Fountain N. and Julia (Durham) Johnson; was born at Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana on  Aug 24, 1876. Fountain N. Johnson son of Barney & Roberta (North) Johnson was born at Warsaw Ky and later moved to Waveland Ind. He was a plasterer, and subsequently a merchant at Waveland. he serve as treas. of Montgomery County in 1880. Fountain N. Johnson later founded the State Bank of Waveland of which he served as cashier. He died at Crawfordsville, Ind and is buried at Waveland. He was married twice. His first wife, Julia Durham Johnson a native of Ky, is deceased. She was a daughter of Jesse Y. and Martha (Tarkington) Durham, the former of whom was a farmer. Fountain N. and Julia (Durham) Johnson were the parents of two children: john Amos being the youngest.

After the death of his wife Fountain N. Johnson remarried, and by that marriage became the father of two more sons. Barney & Robert (North) Johnson.  Parents of Fountain N. Johnson were born in Ky. Barney Johnson who was a carriage-maker, moved to Waveland, Ind. in pioneer days. John A. Johnson, the subject of this sketch, received a high school education, after which he engaged in the telephone business 8 years, becoming a partner in the Waveland Ind Telephone Company. In 1903, in partnership with his brother Henry, Mr. Johnson organized the Johnson Acetyle Co at Waveland. In 1905 the business was moved to Crawfordsville and about 1920 the firm name was changed to the Johnson Manufacturing Co. Since that time the company has manufactured Puritan Water softeners, which are sold nationally through dealers.

The Johnson Manufacturing Co. also manufactures fire prevention equipment. John A. Johnson is secretary and treasurer of the firm. He is the oldest mfr. in Crawfordsville in point of years of service.

He is a director of the Crawfordsville Foundry Co, State Bank of Waveland and Ind. State C. of C. (Chamber of Commerce).   He was associated with the International Acetyle Assn. many years, serving as pres. in 1922, and as a director for many years. Mr. Johnson, who is a Democrat, is a member of the following: Blue Lodge F & AM; Commandery (KT) and Consistory (32nd Deg); Montgomery Co C of C (Past Pres) Montgomery Co. Chapter, Citizens Hist. Assn; and Christian Church. Mr. Johnson especially enjoys motoring with his family.

In 1900, John A. Johnson marr. Lillie V. Garwood, a native of Russellville, Indiana. Her parents, Daniel and Maria (Layne) Garwood are deceased. Daniel Garwood was a farmer and merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are the parents of one child, Ester G. who resides at home. She is a graduate of the National Park Sem, of Washington DC. - typed by kbz
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