Jeffries - Robert - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Jeffries - Robert

Source: 1913 History of Montgomery County, Indiana. Indianapolis: AW Bowen, 1913 p 1208

One of the successful agriculturists of Montgomery County who,  having accumulated a competency by his years of strenuous  endeavor, is now living in honorable retirement, is Robert D.  Jeffries, Crawfordsville. He is a practical farmer, and made a  success of his various ventures, his well tiled, fertile fields  yielding to him an abundant income in return for the care and  attention he bestowed upon them. He has been enthusiastic in all  his undertakings, and has, while advancing his own interests  never neglected his duties as a citizen, but has been liberal in  his support of all measures making for the upbuilding and general  progress of Crawfordsville and Montgomery County, and he is  esteemed and respected by all who know him. Mr. Jeffries was born  in Putnam County, Indiana, on Jan 19, 1851. He is a son of Harvey  and Melinda (King) Jeffries. The father was a native of Ky, as  was also the mother and they grew to maturity, were educated and  married and in the year 1820 they removed from the "dark and  bloody ground" country to Putnam County, Indiana, locating there  when the country was practically a wilderness and sparsely  settled, and there they developed a home from the virgin country  by hard work and close application, and there they spent the rest  of their lives successfully engaged in general farming pursuits.  Ten children were born to Harvey Jeffries and wife, namely: William,  George and Harriet are all deceased; John, Elizabeth, James,  Robert D, of this sketch, Nanny, Joseph and Kate. The death of  the father of the above named children occurred on the home farm  in Putnam Co in 1907, his wife having preceded him to the grave  in 1903, each having reached advanced ages. Robert D. Jeffries,  of this sketch, grew to manhood on the home farm in Putnam Co,  and there he worked hard when a boy. During the winter months he  attended the common schools in his neighborhood, and when a young  man he took up farming for his life work and t! his he continued  to follow with ever increasing success until he became one of the  leading general farmers and stock raisers in this part of the  country. Accumulating a comfortable competency through his close  application and sound judgment he retired from the active duties  of life in 1912 and removed to Crawfordsville, where he owns a  pleasant and attractive residence, modernly and neatly furnished  at 316 S. Green St. Mr. J. is a Democrat in politics, but he has  never been especially active in party affairs and has never  sought or held public office of any kind. He belongs to the Horse  Thief Detective Assoc, and is a member of the Free and Accepted  Masons at Alamo. Mr. Jeffries  was married Feb 8, 1875 to Harriet P.  Ballard, the daughter of William S. and Patience M. (Brown)  Balard. Five children have been born to Robert D. Jeffries and  wife, namely: Prudy, Patience, deceased, Charles, Queen, deceased  and Ina.
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