Jarvis - William - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Jarvis - William

Source: A.W. Bowen History of Montgomery County, Indiana p 1062

William JARVIS 90 years have dissolved in the mists of time, embracing                the major part of the most remarkable century in all the history                of the race of mankind, since the honored and venerable subjecdt                of this sketch first sawy the light of day. heaven has bounteously                lengthened out his life until he has seen the crowning glory of                this, the most wonderful, epoch of all the aeons, of time, rewarding                him with an unusual span of years as a result of viruous and consistent                living in his youth and years of his acctive manhood, until now,                in the golden Indian summer of his life, surrounded by comfort                and plenty as a result of his earlier years of industry and frugality,                Mr. Jarvis can take a retrospective glance down the corridors                of the relentless and irrevocable past and feel that his has been                an eminently useful successfull and happy life, a life which has                not been devoid of obstacles and whose rose has held many a thorn,                but with indomitable courage he pressed onward with his face set                in determination toward the distant goal which he has so grandly                won; a life of humanity since the world began but nobly lived                and worthily rewarded as such lives always are by the Giver of                all good and precious gifts, who has given Mr. Jarvis the longest                span of years of any of his ceontemporaries, a great gift, indeed                of which he is duly grateful. Although a native of the fair Blue                Grass state, the major portion of his life has ben spent in the                Wabash Valley country and he has always been deeply interested                in whatever tended to promote the prosperity of his chosen locality                and to him as much as to any other man in the community indebted                for the material development for which it has long since been                noted, and his long residence in Brown Township has won for him                a very high place in the confidence and esteem of his many acquaintances                and friends. He has used his influence for all moral and benevolent                enterprises, being a friend and liberal patron of the church,                which he believes to be the most potential factor for substantial                good the world has ever known or ever will know; he has also been                an earnest advocate of the cause of temperance. In short, he has                sought to fulfill his duties as an honest, public spirited citizen                at all times.

William Jarvis, of Waveland, Montgomery County was                born at Clementsville, Ky. Oct 21, 1823. He is a son of Reason                and Betsey HEATH Jarvis. The father was a native of the stat eof                Maryland and his death occurred in Ky in 1838 , he having located                int he "dark and bloody ground" country in a very early day. The                mother of our subject was also a nativ eof Maryland. These parents                devoted their lives to general farming, were hard working, honest,                hospitable people of the good old-fashioned type. They became                the parents of 7 children, all no wdeceased but WIlliam, subject                of this sketch. They were: Nathan; Joe; John; WIlliam; Martha;                Henry and Fleming. William Jarvis grew to manhood on the home                farm, where he found plenty of hard work to do when a boy, being                the son of a pioneer and reared amid pioneer conditions. He received                a very limited education in the old log schoolhouse of his community,                with its puncheon floor and seats, its wide fireplac ein one end                and its greased paper window. However, he has been a wide reader                of newspapers and good books and is a well informed man. On June                8, 1858, Mr. Jarvis married Mary V. SWITZER who was born in Ohio                Oct 10 1840. She was a daugther of Jonathan and Nancy DOOLEY Switzer.                Her father was born May 18, 1808. Mrs. Jarvis received a good                common school education. To our subject and wife one child was                born, Emma Blanche Jarvis, who was born i n Parke County April                17, 1860. She received a good common school education and married                Edward Oldshue, a farmer of Parke County and there they still                reside; they are the parents of 3 children: Vivian, Grace and                Mary. William Jarvis began life for himself as a farmer when a                young man and he has devoted his life to general farming and stock                raising with a greater degree of success than befalls the average                farmer. He has worked hard, managed well and each year has found                him further advanced than the precededing. He spent two years                engaged in the general merchandise business at Placerville, California,                having crossed the great plains to the Pacific Coast before the                days of railroads. After spending two years there he returned                to Indiana and resumed farming. He is the owner of over 1000 acrs                of valuable land, 925 of which lie in Parke Co, promvement and                cultivation and he has farmed on a large scale and raised large                numbers of livestock of all varieties. he resides in the town                of Waveland, where he has a commodious, attractive and moderly                furnished home, which is known to his many friends a sa place                of oldtime hospitality. He is one of the substantial and well                to do men of this part of the country. Politically, Mr. Jarvis                is a republican, but he has never been much of a politician; however,                he has taken an abiding intrest in the afairs of his township                and county, and he was at one time county commissioner, which                position he held with credit to himself and satisfaction to his                constituents. In religious matters he belongs to the Christian                Church and was formerly a trustee in the same, and has long been                one of its most active members.   
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