James - Charles - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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James - Charles

Source 1 : Centennial History of Grant County, 1812 - 1912

Hardware business Charles S. James M. D. At the little village of Hadley in southwestern Grant county, Dr. James was for many years one of the successful local physicians. At the present time he is conducting a prosperous store and manufacturing establishment there. He is engaged in the manufacture of a number of farm novelties, and other goods, which are gaining a growing reputation over a large territory, and though the business is still in its infancy, its prospects are such that many an older established concern might well be proud of. Dr. James has spent nearly all his life in Grant county, and belongs to one of the old families. Charles S. James was born in Van Buren township of this county, May 19, 1867, a son of David and Weimer Hayes James. David James, his father, was also a native of Grant county, born in Center township, September 19, 1842. The James family was established in the county during the pioneer days. The Hays family is likewise of a very distant date of settlement in this section of the state, and the mother of Dr. James was born in Van Buren township. Both parents are still living in the latter township, and have been prosperous and substantial farming people. There were seven children in the family, six of whom are now living: Dr. Charles.S., Harvey H., George W., John A., Rosella, wife of Charles Troyer and Joseph H. Dr. James was reared on a farm in Van Buren and Center townships, and it was in the district schools of those localities that he learned his first lessons in books, while on the home farm, he was trained to industry and developed his physical vigor. His later education was in the Fairmount Academy, and the Ladoga Normal School. Taking up the work of teacher, he was a popular school master in Center and Monroe townships for three years. With the earnings from that work he entered Medical College at Marion, took the full course and was graduated M. D. in 1892. His first practice was at New Maysville in Putnam county where he built up a good patronage during the four years of his residence. The following two years were spent in the west, and in 1899 he returned to Grant county and located at Radley. For eight years he was active in his profession, and might have continued to the present but for the failure of a local hardware business in which he became interested and which led to his taking its management, and he now conducts a first class store with a general stock of hardware and groceries. He owns the building in which his business and manufacturing are carried on, and he is a man of substantial interests and influence in this part of the county. After he had conducted the store for a short while he became interested in the manufacture of novelties for farm use, and has promoted his output with a big sale throughout the surrounding countries. Dr. James married Miss Laura Stephenson. He had met Miss Stephenson while attending school at Ladoga. Their one daughter is Ruth M., born March 3, 1898, and now a student in the Hadley schools. Dr. James and wife are members of the Christian church, and in politics he is a Republican.

Source 2 : Record # 89078, 19th and 20th Century Indiana Physicians

James, Charles S. Indiana, abt. 1868 James, Laura F. James, Ruth M., James, George N. Curtis Physio Medical Instit., 1893 1 6 007 Grant (Hadley)
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