Irons - James - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Irons - James

Source: Unknown (probably 1878 Atlas of Montgomery County, Indiana)

IRONS, James, PO Potato Creek, Farmer and Stock Raiser is a son of Thomas and  Nancy (McKEE) Irons, natives of Delaware and Pa, respectively; settled in this County 1852; was born in Highland County Ohio 1817 and settled on sec. 24 in 1851 where he now resides. In 1840, he married Julia Ann BUSH. 8 children; John B; Nancy Jane; Thomas R; William A; Jacob A; Mary E; Lavina Ann and Laura B. Mr. Irons is a prominent member of Church and has been closely identified with the Grange movement. Is in possession of good property  and prepared to spend the rest of his days in ease, surrounded  by his family.
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