Hutchings - Benjamin F.

Source: Waveland Independent, Thursday, Oct 6, 1938
The death of Dr. BF HUTCHINGS in Crawfordsville, age 92, calls attention to the fact that Waveland has been a good place for doctors to start in practice - and then move on. He opened an office here March 18, 1872, but in the fall he removed to New Market and remained there until 1881.
Source: Indiana State Board of Health 1882, 1884, 1890
P1886 / Physicians Directory of Kentucky and Indiana 1893 South Washington, 1 to 3. Mem. Am. and Ind. and Co. Ned. Socs. City Health Officer.
Record# 86236 in database 19th Indiana Century Physicians
Schools attended: Medical College of Ohio
Year Medical Grad or Attendance: 1872
Membership in Medical Orgz.: Indiana State Medical Society 1876, 1880 1882-83
Other Mil.Ser.: JISMA v. 31, 638 1938
County: Montgomery (New Market/Crawfordsville)
Med. Reg./Exam.: 7.16.97
Source: DeBusk, Imogene and Charles DeBusk. A Century of Progress. New Market: 1872-1972.
The first doctor to give his address as New Market, Indiana was Dr. Benjamin F. Hutchings, son of Samuel and Margaret Hutchings. He began the study of medicine in 1869 and graduated at the Ohio Medical College of Cincinnati, Mrch 1, 1872. Following his graduation he and his wife, Phebe Hunt moved to New Market where he maintained a practice until 1881 when he moved to Crawfordsville.
Also found in the above book under the "Methodist Episcopal Church was that Dr. B.F. Hutchings was a charter member (Spring, 1872)
Source: Zach, Karen Bazzani. Montgomery Medicine Men ... Crawfordsville, Indiana: Montgomery County Historical Society, 2002.
The younges tof the 15 children belonging to Samuel and Margaret (Stout) Hutchings, Benjamin was born in Delaware County, Indiana July 30, 1846 on a farm a few miles northeast of Muncie. Benjamin's father died when Ben was just a boy, and his brave mother continued raising the large family. His common schooling was taken in Delaware County after which he came to attend the Wesley Academy in Montgomery County. Later, he taught school at Black Creek Valley.
Returning north, he studied medicine under Dr. S.V. Jump of New Burlington (beginning March 15, 1869), "in the days when medical neophytes began their studies in the offices of established physicians."
His marriage occurred during this time. He married Phoeba Hunt October 10, 1871 in Montgomery County. Soon Ben graduated, on the first day of 1872 from the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati. A few days later, he began practice at Waveland.
In the fall of that year, the building of a railroad prompted Dr. Hutchings to relocate to New Market. Dr. Hutchings and his family remained in New Market for 10 years, then moved to Crawfordsville where he located his office on North Washington Street.
He tallied a half century as a doctor in the main city of Montgomery County, where "he stood well among the profession and had a good practice among the best families in the county."
In the 1890s, Dr. Hutchings served on the city council of Crawfordsville and on the Montgomery County Advisory Board.
He was an active member of the K. of P. and affiliated with the Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church. His children included Charles who died August 27, 1877 of cholera; William Von, who was a prominent athlete at Wabash College; Frank Ernest; Mary; Jane and Merle who practiced with his father for a couple of year, then moved to Terre Haute.
Dr. Benjamin Franklin Hutchings died in 1938 and is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery.