Harshbarger - Jacob M. - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Harshbarger - Jacob M.

Source: H. W. Beckwith History of Montgomery County, Indiana (Chicago:  HH Hill, 1881) p 453

Jacob M. HARSHBARGER, farmer, Ladoga, was b. in Botetourt Co  Va March 10, 1828 and is the son of Jacob and Salome Harshbarger.  The father was b. in Lancaster Co PA June 24, 1792 and the mother  in Botetourt Co Va May 17, 1796. They moved from Va. to  Montgomery Co In in 1831, and settled in Clark Twp, where they  lived an honorable and respected life. He died Feb 8, 1875 and  his wife about 1872. Mr. H. the subject of this sketch, is one of  the energetic and respected citizens of the County, and has taken  an active part in its early improvements. April 13, 1848, he  marr. Miss Mary MYERS, daughter of Henry and Hannah Arnold)  Myers. She was b. in Botetourt Co Va Oct 28, 1826 and came with  her parents to Mont. Co. in 1833 and settled in Scott Twp. They  were among the respected pioneers of the County. The father  departed this life Feb 25, 1875, in his 78th year and the mother  Jan 7, 1876, in her 69th year, both having died of paralysis. Mr.  H's family are: Salome E, wife of H. Davidson ; Amanda and George  W, and two deceased, Marion m. and Henry M. Mr. H. is a member of  the Masonic Fraternity, and is a stalwart republican. He owns 500  acres of land and Mrs. Harshbarger owns 750. - typed by kbz

Source: Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke and  Fountain County, Indiana  Chapman Brothers, 1893 - p 373

 Jacob M. Harshbarger, residing on Section 6, Clark Township, is  one of the foremost of the citizens who have aided in the  advancement and development of Montgomery County.  He is a  leading farmer and stock raiser, one of the ablest of its  business men and financiers, and one who has been long and  honorably identified with its public life.  He is also  prominently connected with some of its leading institutions, and  has been very influential in advancing social, educational and  religious interests in this community.  Mr. Harshbarger was born  March 10, 1828 in Botetourt Co VA on the old family homestead at  the Harshbarger Grist Mill on Tinker Creek two miles from Roanoke  City.  In the fall of 1831 his parents left the old Virginia home  with their children to seek a new one in the wilds of this  county.  His father purchased 1400 acres of land of the  Government and lived in a rented cabin on Section 17, Clark  Township temporarily.  In the spring of 1833 he removed with his  family into the more commodious house that he had built on his  own land on Section 7 of the same township.  Jacob M. Harshbarger  was reared in that home, in which he lived some 17 years.  His  education was conducted in the subscription schools of Ladoga,  and among his teachers was William R. Nefsinger, who afterwards  became a member of the Legislature in this state.  David Shannon  was also one of his teachers. He subsequently became County  Surveyor and he rose to the rank of the first educator in the  county.  At the age of 16 Mr. Harshbarger left school and worked  on his father's farm until he was 22.  In the meantime he was  married at the age of 20 years, one month and three days, and two  years later removed from his father's place, March 10, 1850 to  that of his father-in-law, upon which he still resides.  He and  his wife lived with and took care of her parents until their  death, when Mrs. Harshbarger inherited their property.  Mr. H.  has made many valuable improvements on the old Myers homestead  since it came under his control, including a handsome and  commodious residence and a large and well arranged barn.

Our  subject has his farm in a fine condition, its appointments of the  best and everything is kept in good order.  He and his wife owned  at one time 1400 acres of land, and until very recently had 987  acres of realty.  He is much interested in raising fine stock,  and has some of the best in the county, making a specialty of  breeding first class Shorthorn cattle, of which he has a noble  herd, including a thoroughbred bull of that breed.  He raises  blooded horses, has a great many high graded Poland China hogs  and keeps the celebrated Shropshire sheep, there being in his  flock two ewes recently imported at a cost of $65 each.  Mr.  Harshbarger's character, keen insight into business matters, wide  experience, large public spirit and eminent fitness in every way  for responsible positions early brought him to the front and he  has done valuable service in various official capacities, while  his name is associated with many enterprises of incalculable  benefit to the township and county.  He was Co. Commissioner 3  years from Dec 1879 until Dec 1882, and for 27 years was School  Director in his district, always a friend to education and doing  all in his power to raise the standard of education.  He was  Director of the Co. Fair at New Ross for 3 years and Director of  the Montgomery County Fair at Crawfordsville for 11 years.  He  has been repeatedly solicited by his friends to accept the  nomination for Representative from his county but has declined  the honor.  Mr. H. is a republican, a strong protectionist and is  unswerving in his allegiance to  his party.  He belongs to the  Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association and President of the County  Council of the association.  He is Treasurer of the Farmer's  Mutual Benefit Insurance Company of Montgomery and Fountain  Counties and ever since the Bank of Ladoga was organized has been  President of that bank.  He has always used his influence to  introduce public improvements and was one of the principal men  who were instrumental in securing the Whitesville and Ladoga Free  Turnpike as well as in having the roads graveled and bridges  built to facilitate travel.  Mr. H. is a member of the Horse  Thief Detective Association and was one of its captains for a  number of years.  He has long been identified with the Masonic  Fraternity and has held the office of Sr. Warden of the Ladoga  Lodge NO. 187.  In his church relations he is associated with the  Christian denomination and is a deacon in the Christian Church at  Ladoga.  He was one of the building committee at the time their  house of worship was erected being one of the prime movers in  having it built, and he was very active in collecting money to  pay for it, besides contributing liberally himself.  April 13,  1848, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Masry M.  Myers, a daughter of Henry and Hanna (Arnold) Myers.  Her  birthplace was near that of her husband on Tinker's Creek in  Botetourt county, VA and she was born Oct 28, 1826. Her father  was born Jan 1, 1798 about 1/4 mile from the early home of our  subject, and her mother was born Oct 3, 1806 near Brough's Mill,  Botetourt Co.  The father of Henry Myers was John Myers, Sr., who  was the son of a German and a native of Pa, whence he had  migrated to Botetourt Co.  Hannah Arnold was the daughter of  Daniel Arnold, who removed from Pa. to Virginia in 1795.  His  father came from Germany to this country.  In 1833 the Myers  family left Virginia to settle in this state.  For 3 years they  lived in Scott Township, near Parkersburg, and then Mr. Myers  bought the farm upon which our subject now reside and this was  his home until his death Dec 27, 1875.  His wife passed away Jan  8, 1876.  They had but two children, Mrs. H. and her brother,  Daniel who was born Dec 13, 1830 and died Feb 11, 1841.  Mr.  Myers was a reserved man, who attended strictly to business and  accumulated a handsome property, including 524 acres.  Mr. and  Mrs. H. have had 5 children, of whom these 3 are living: Saloma  E, who was born Jan 11, 1854 and is now the wife of Henry  Davidson, Union Township; Amanda A. born Jun e17, 1845 now the  wife of the Hon. EB Brookshire who is serving his second term in  Congress as Representative of this district and George W, born  Oct 20, 1858 married Eva J. Canine and resides with his father.   He has two children: Earl M, born April 14, 1885 and Mary Ethel  born Oct 29, 1886.  Death has taken from our subject and his wife  two children: Marion M who was born Feb 3, 1851 and died August  15, 1852 and Henry M. born April 5, 1852 and died Sept 20 1876.   He had married Lavina Peffley, who was born in February 1855 and  they had one child, Lula May born Aug 31, 1876.  Mr. H. is a true  lover of home and is intensely patriotic at least as regards this  part of the great Republic.  He has traveled in KS and as far  north in the US as Wisconsin and not long ago spent 5 weeks in  Baltimore and Washington, but his convictions remain unshaken  that there is no place like central Indiana and no county equal  to his own.  -- - typed by kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, Monday September 15, 1919

ncle Jacob M. HARSHBARGER as he was familiarly called will be sadly missed by the people of Montgomery County. We have been intimately associated with him for the past 30 years in every day life, in society and in farm organizations sf different kinds and in all these different avenues, his sincerity was so pronounced that he was not only termed and interested worker but an admired leader. He was one of the originators of the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company of Montgomery, Fountain and Parke Counties more than 40 years ago, was one of the prominent men in organizing the Montgomery County Fair Association and has done as much to keep up the interest of Farmers' Institutes in central Indiana as any other man. Not only was he a leader and a useful man years ago when these organizations were in their infancy but has always continued to be interested in his fellow men and the unusual knowledge that he had acquired was willingly imported to others he never grew tired of trying to help others his self acquired intelligence and broad minded views on all local and public affairs kept him apace with the times till the last.

Scores of young farmers in this county have admired Mr. Harshbarger to the extent that they have endeavored to adopt and follow his plans. He has done much to dignify the vocation of farming, always placing it on an equality with the highest professions. He was a noble citizen and a man among men, admired and loved by men of all occupations. He possessed peculiar social acquirements that won those who came in contact with him. He has not lived in vain for such a life will continue to live, the nobility that he always practiced and the exalted prupose that he always had in mind placed him in the honored list and one of the most exemplary and useful men that ever lived in Montgomery County. Either in the capacity of an official or common citizen he always made good and this model life of 91 years that so peacefully was brought to a close is an important epoch in our history and will be sacredly referred to for years and years. All this did not come by chance but it took a pronounced effort on his part to accomplish all these things. The study of such a life decides the frivolous question that so often is to the mind of the young man whether or not it pays to try to be useful. County, state and nation need more such men, perhaps he died not knowing with what high esteem and admiration the people of Montgomery County had for him but did know that he had always tried to do his part in a noble, friendly conscientous way in the home, church or public affairs and he has been a witness to the result of some of that good seed sown and many of the rest of us will continue to profit thereby.
Signed - CEB
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