Fitch - Alexander P

Source: Crawfordsville Journal 11-7-1887
Dr. A.P. Fitch will return to his duties at the Yankton Indian Agency on next Thursday. He has had a delightful two weeks' visit in the old home place in Virginia.
Source: Zach, Karen Bazzani. Montgomery Medicine Men. Crawfordsville, IN: Montgomery County Historical Society, 2002.
"Alexander Peter Fitch was unusual as he did not fight with our Union boys, but was, instead a Confederate (1st Virginia Infantry). He was from Waynesboro, Virginia, but lived in our area for quite some time, beginning in 1875, first in Waynetown, then Lebanon and eventually to Crawfordsville where he served as assistant medical examiner for the Supreme Tribe of Ben Hur. He was born at Staunton, Virginia Sept 9, 1845 and graduated from the Washington School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland in 1875. Admitted to the Indiana State Medical Society in 1877, he also served as physician to the Indians in Yankton, SD for awhile (1886-1887 at least) and was surgeon for the Big Four Railroads. Extremely active in area activities, he was a shriner and Mason. His obituary said he was, "a most likeable man with an ever-pleasant greeting for all!" In excellent health until the end (he attended the movies the evening before), Dr. Fitch died in December 1918 in his room on West Main Street, his body taken back to Waynesboro for burial.