Dunnington - Reuben C.

Source: Indiana Medical Journal 1906 p 80
Dr. Reuben Dunnington of Indianapolis fell down the stairs at his home 1541 College Avenue, dying in a few moments from fracture of the skull with hemorrhage into the brain. He was conscious only long enough to tell his two daughters he was seriously hurt. Dr. Ira Dunlavey, JR Anthony and Henry A. Denson were called, but the doctor died while they were examining him. Dr. Dunnington has lived in Indianapolis 3 years having practiced before in Darlington and Bainbridge. He leaves a wife, two daughters, a son and two brothers in Indianapolis. He was 55 years of age. He attended DePauw University and Michigan University School of Medicine graduating at the Indiana Medical College in 1874. - typed by kbz
Death Record Indiana Marion County city of Indianapolis
Wife: Amelia B.
Date of Birth: May 16, 1851 Indiana
Age: 55 Years 2 Months 5 days
Occupation: Physician
Birthplace: Indiana
Place of Death: 1541 College Ave
Father: Wm. Dunnington
Born: Lynchburg, VA
Mother: Mary Dunnington
Born: Kentucky
Informant: Claude Dunnington
Address: 1541 College Ave.
Date of Death : July 21, 1906
Cause: Cerebral hemorrhage due to accidental fall - down stairs
Signed: HD Tutwiler
uried: 7-2-1906
Flanndors Undertake
Buchanan (Address)
Signed: July 22, 1906 Geo. H. Vance, MD
1860 Mill Creek Twp (Mt. Washington PO) Putnam County Indiana
#702 - Wm. Dunnington 54 Farmer 500 VA
Martha 33 Tenn all ch b. Ind - this is Wm.'s 2nd wife
Andrew 20
Hugh 18
Emeline 16
Wm. W. 14
Elijah 12
Eliza 12
reuben 8
1870 Franklin Twp, Hendricks County, Indiana - Stilesville PO HH #30
Larkin, Hiram 28 Runs Tile Factory 600/1000 Ind
Emaline (their sister, I assume) 26 Keeps House 600
Florence 4
Laura 2
Dunnington, Reuben 19 works on farm 600
Eliza 22 600
Elijah 22 600/700