Dennis - Fred Atwood
Dr. Fred Atwood Dennis

Source: Bowen, A.W. History of Montgomery County, Indiana. Indianapolis: A.W. Bowen, 1913, p .878
One of the younger generation of physicians in Montgomery County, who is deserving of specific mention in a work of the nature of the one in hand is Dr. Fred Atwood Dennis of Crawfordsville, a man who seems to combine all the essential attributes of head and heart that go to make up the popular and successful physician and, having somewhat specialized on the treatment of tuberculosis, he has won a wide reputation in the same, and he is a man to whom the future years must needs hold much of promise. Dr. Dennis was born in Indianapolis, Indiana April 20, 1876 and is a son of Milton P. and Clorinda H (Wheeler) Dennis. The father was of Quaker descent and for many years engaged successfuly in the wholesale tea and tobacco business in Indianapolis. He traveled some time for a Terre Haute firm and in the year 1879 locate din Crawfordsville as a wholesale and retail grocer, at the corner familiarly known to all old-times as the Dennis Corner which was a regular meeting place for them. Mr. Dennis was a successful business man and was highly respected by all who knew him. His death occurred in 1890. Hew as a Mason, belonging to the Blue Lodge also Grand Army of the Republic, having during the war of the states been a member of Co D, 1st WIsconsin Volunteer Infantry in which he served throughout the war. He was for some time a guard in government service on the banks of the Mississippi River, in St. Lous, Missouri. He married Clorinda H. Wheeler in Sept 1872. She was born in Hamilton County, Indiana near Westfield. To this union 7 children were born, six living at this writing. Dr. Fred A. Dennis, of this sketch was educated in the common schools of Crawfordsville being graduated from the high school with the class of 1894.
Having determined upon the medical profession early in life, for which he had a decided natural bent, he began reading medicine with Drs. Gott & Taylor and in 1895 entered the Indiana Medical College, where he made an excellent record and from which he was graduated with the class of 1898. He then began practice of his profession at Alamo where he remained 2 1/2 years, during which time he got an excellent start, and seeking a wider field for the exercise of his talents he came to Crawfordsville where he has continued in the general practice to the present time very satisfactory results, enjoying a large and growing patronage. He has made a special study of tuberculosis and is regarded as an authority and expert in the same. He was elected county health officer, in which position he served with much credit and satisfaction for one year. Dr. Dennis is a Republican, and fraternally a Mason, attaining the Knights Templar degrees.
He was married July 29, 1903 to Henrietta Gilkey, daughter of James R. and Alice (Wilcox) Gilkey, a well known family of Ripley Twp, this county who located in Union Twp. She was born Oct 2, 1880. To the Dr. and wife one child has been born Margaret E. Dennis who is attending school. Dr. Dennis is medical director for the Commonwealth Life Insurance Company. He is a fellow in the Sydenham Society, a college organization. -- kbz
Source: Record# 87927 in database 19th Indiana Century Physicians
Schools attended: Indiana Medical College
Graduated: 1898
County: Montgomery