Cornett - Reba Hand

Source: Clippings from the 4-H (This is from the old articles Meet The President that were with the Journal-Review in the 1950s)
Mrs. Reba Cornett, wife of Charles Cornett, residing a short distance east of Crawfordsville on Ind 32 is the president of the Montgomery County Home Demonstration Chorus, one of the county's leading musical organizations.
Mrs. Cornett is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. John R. Hand, former residents of Crawfordsville. Her father served for some time as pastor of the First Baptist Church in New Market and is now the pastor of the irst Baptist Church in Oglesby, Ill.
Mrs. Cornett is a graduate of Crawfordsville HS with the class of 1931. She attended high school here for only three years as she spent her junior year in high school at Lenark, Ill. Following her graduation she attended the Frances Shermer (?) Music Conservatory at Mount Carroll, Ill and later attended Moody Bible Institute and also the business college in Brazil, Ind.
Mrs. Cornett was married in in 1931 to Mr. Cornett. They are the parents of two children. Their daughter, Mrs. Robert Egolf resides in Indianapolis and is the mother of 3 children. Mr. and Mrs. Cornett's son, John Cornett, is a corporal with the US Marines, stations in Camp Pendleton, California. Corporal COrnett is also married, but he and his wife have no children.
Mrs. Cornett is a member of the First Baptist Church in Crawfordsville. She also is a member of the church choir and is a director of the Choralaires Youth choir of the church. In addition to her membership in the Montgomery County Demonstration Chorus, Mrs. Cornett is a member of the Smartsburg Home Demonstration club. She is serving as the second VP of the United Council of Church Women of Crawfordsville. She is a membr of Eastern Star in Crawfordsville and is now serving in the --- Ruth in the chapter.
The County Home Demonstration Chorus has 50 members that reside in all sections of the county. The group meets for practice on the first and third Mondays of each month in the FIrst Evangelical United Brethren Church. For a numbr of yearse, the Montgomery County Chorus group has been joining in the singing contests at PU and for two years in succession the chorus has won first place honors in interclub contests. 12 member of the chorus are planning to join some 2000 other chorus women of Indiana for a trip early next month to Portland, Oregon ...