Clore - Lex B.
Lex B. Clore, indicated as City Engineer in 1939, Crawfordsville. Also noted as Indiana's first Agricultural Extension director, and promoted mechanization of farming in many counties, through Co-operative purchase of machinery.

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 7 Feb 1978 p 2
Lex. B. Clore, 88, of 404 Ben Hur Drive, who served as the Crawfordsville City Engineer for 23 years, died at Culver Hospital after a short illness. There are no immediate survivors and much of the material concerning his life was prepared by Mr. Clore in 1972. Born Sept. 7, 1889, at Crawfordsville. He graduated from Crawfordsville High School and Purdue University. He was married to Ruth Barnhart, for fourty [sic] years. She died in 1961. He had a wide variety of jobs and positions during his lifetime. A veteran of W.W.I, he served seven years at sea as a naval officer. He was an officer of the U.S. Coast Guard Geodidic Survey and U.S. Maritime Service. He also worked as a mate on a tramp steamer and deck hand on a fishing boat. A registered Civil Engineer, he was also employed as a carnival worker, factory worker, and Industrial Chemist, Research, Backeriologist [sic] and Hydrographic Engineer. After the death of his wife, he traveled to several foreign countries, and in one eight year period visited with twenty-four different nations. At last count he had twenty crossings by aircraft. He was a member of the American Legion and the Elks. Funeral will be at 10 a.m. Thursday in Burkhart Funeral Home. Burial will be in Oak Hill Cemetery, Crawfordsville, Ind.
File Created: 23 June 2010 --Thanks muches, Cathi :)