Clore - Elijah

Source: Fountain Co. Indiana H. W. Beckwith History (Chicago: HH Hill, 1881)
Elijah CLORE, farmer and stock raiser, Alamo, Montgomery County, Indiana was born in Boone Co KY Oct 28, 1827. He was the eldest son of Joel and Sarah (RICE) Clore. His grandparents and his parents emigrated together form Va. to Ky. prior to the last war with Gr. Britain. In the fall of 1828 Mr. Clore's parents came to IN making the trip down the Ohio and up the Wabash in a keel-boat. Frederick WINELAND and his family and some others were in the party. They disembarked at Montezuma and the father of this subj. settled in Brown Twp, Montgomery Co. After a residence of some 13 years there he moved into Sugar Creek (now Howard Twp), Parke Co. He was in the habit of flatboating to New Orleans and while at Lake Providence, Louisiana, on one of his trips, he was taken sick and died in that place. Mr. Clore was married Sept 13, 1849 to Miss Jane DEER, who was born in Brown Twp, Montgomery Co, Aug 11, 1828. She was the daughter of John and Margaret Deer. In 1850 they moved to this township, to his present farm where he had bought 160 acres. At this time he owned 24 acres in Iowa; this he soon sold and began increasing his homestead. More land became a necessity to him, as he had already engaged in stock raising. He was very successful with hogs, from the proceeds of which he bought the most of his land. He now owns 560 acres where he lives and 200 acres in Wayne Twp, Montgomery Co the whole valued at $38,000. It is in a high state of cultivation, and on the homestead there have been put down 7 or 8 mi. of drain tile. He has given, besides 80 acres to his married daughter. Mr. Clore interested himself from the start in improving his stock and began patronizing the fairs with graded animals. About 12 years ago he brought the first short horns to "Fountain Stock Farm" (the name his home bears); these were bought in Ky. He has made two later purchases in that state and has also added 3 superb animals to his herd from Ill. He now has 65 head of fine thoroughbreds and has no lacKnights of Pythiasurchasers far and near. He has advertised a public sale of shorthorns for next Aug. His celebrated show cow, one of the finest in America, belongs to the POMONA family, and took the sweepstakes prize at the IN state fair last year. Out of the 5 premiums which he obtained there four were first premiums. He is making a beg. with Jerseys, having now two cows on the place. His swine is exclusively Berkshires. During the last 10 years he has been experimenting in fish culture. His pond covers over 1/4 of an acre. He has twice lost his fish by hard winters, and the extent to which they have suffered the present severe and protracted cold season is not known. He has ascertained that it takes fish as long to complete growth as it does neat cattle. Mr. Clore is a Mason of 20 years' standing; he was once an Odd-Fellow 5 years; and when the farmers' popular movement began in 1873 he at once allied himself with it and is now a member of Stillwater Grange No. 850. His mother, who has been living with him for many years, died at his home Nov 27, 1880, aged 70 years. Mr. & Mrs. Clore have had 11 children: Martha Ann (Deceased); Mary Jane, now Mrs. Ransom MYERS, Sarah Elizabeth (deceased); infant (deceased); Albert (scalded to death when a year old); Lucinda (deceased), Lilian (deceased), John (deceased), Joel, Jesse, and Laroy. - typed by kbz
Note: They are buried in Alamo Cemetery
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