Canine - Ralph

Thanks so much to Sue P. for the photo (also want to thank her for giving this site credit for the many obituaries she used - so many findagrave people didn't bother :( kbz
Ralph was in the War of 1812.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 8-6-1908
At the Canine family reunion to be held at Union church near Waveland, honor will be paid to Ralph Canine, the ancestor of most of the Canine families now living in the county. He was the father of 11 children, all of whom are dead now except JJ Canine, aged 75 who lives on the old home place, where his father settled on January 18, 1826 and a part of which was dedicated to Union church, the oldest church of the old school Baptist denomination in the county. Ralph Canine was born in Pennsylvania, Dec 3, 1789, and moved to Mercer County, Kentucky with his parents in 1794. He married Margaret Warmon in 1808 and after her death Nov 3, 1863, was married a second time on July 23 to Eliza Ann VanCleave. At the age of 27, Ralph Canine joined the old school Baptist Church and in 1827 was ordained a deacon in Kentucky when he moved to Indian he was the prime mover in the organization of the church and in fact the organization was effected in his home. Later when a church edifice was erected it was built on a part of his farm. He was elected a deacon for life. He was a typical pioneer one of that sturdy type that has done so much to make Montgomery County in this day a progressive and intelligent community. The reunion next Wednesday will be a notable event and not only the descendants of Ralph Canine will be made welcome but all other members of the Canine tribe and all friends of the family.
Source: History of Montgomery County, Indiana (Indianapolis: AW Bowen, 1913) p 10 53
The CANINE family has been among the well known and energetic in Montgome ry Co. since the pioneer days, and, being people who lead upright and helpful lives, they have always enjoyed the good will and high regard of their neighbors. One of the best remembered was the late Cornelius Leonard Canine, who spent his long, industrious and commendable life in his native v icinity in the SW part of the county, where he operated a good farm and d id what he could toward the general upbuilding of the locality. Mr. Canine was born on the old Canine homestead in Brown Twp., Feb 22, 1827. He w as a son of Ralph and Margaret Canine, who came to this county from Ky, arriving in the wilderness here on Jan 1, 1826, making the overland journey from Shelby Co, Ky., which required some little time owing to rough ro ds, or no roads at all. Ralph Canine was b. in Pa. and was a son of Peter Canine and wife. Peter Canine was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. The family originally came form Holland. Peter Canine had 6 sons, 3 of whom settled in Montgomery Co, one in Howard, one in Johnson Co, and one in Ohio. Ralph Canine entered government land near Waveland for himself and also for his sons, Peter, William; John and James -- 320 for himself and probably 160 acres of each son. Afterwards he bought other land in that vicinity. The Union Primitive Baptist church was organized in his home with 8 constituent members of the fourth Sun. in Oct 1826. Ever since its organization that church has had its regular monthly covenant meet ing on the Sat. before the fourth Sun. of the month. Ralph Canine was one of the first deacons in the church. He was a grand character and did much good among the first settlers. He reached the advanced age of 92 years. Politically, he was a Democrat. See Cornelius L. Canine biography for the rest of his information