Canine - John Harvey

Source: 1911 Hiram A. Pratt's diary - Pratt a barber in Waveland Indiana about 50 years
Wednesday June 28 – Clear most of the time today. 77. $1. John Harvey Canine has returned from Birmingham, Alabama. He went down there last fall to work in the interest of The Ben Hur. - typed by kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Thursday, May 10, 1906
Dan Murphy is one of the jurors in the Craig murder trial. Harve Canine was excused because he has conscientious scruples against hanging people. -- typed by kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Thursday, May 10, 1906
Dan Murphy is one of the jurors in the Craig murder trial. Harve Canine was excused because he has conscientious scruples against hanging people. Waveland Independent March 13, 1914 Harvey Canine running for office J. Harvey Canine, our former fellow citizen, but for the past 6 years located in Crawfordsville, announces his desire to serve the people as Auditor. We all know Harvey and we are safe in saying that he has the good will of everybody in this community. He has been active in politics since he was old enough to vote, and if there is any good thing that his party can hand him, he certainly deserves it. Political opponents will credit him with being fair and willing that every honest voter should register his willl. He served as Co. Chairman in 1906-08 and it was in these years that the "pure politics" agreement was first made effective. For the past 2 years he has been employed in the Co. Engineer's office, and this has made him familiar with much of the work he will be called on to do as auditor. As was said for him in the K. of P. Lodge, J. Harvey has been the oracle of the law and holder of all the jobs that nobody else wants. Now give him a chance at something worth while. -- typed by kbz
Source: Waveland Independent, November 27, 1925
J. Harvey Canine, 61, life long resident of the County and a pioneer in fraternal and political circles, died suddenly about 1:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, while on his way to a funeral at Wolf Creek Church, about two miles south of Wallace. Mr. Canine was riding in an automobile with Irwin J. Hutchinson, a friend, when stricken with heart trouble. According to Mr. Hutchinson, his companion suddenly dropped forward in the automobile, falling against the door of the machine. Death was instantaneous. Mr. Canine's death occured within a short distance of the Church where funeral services were being held for one of his old friends, William Sanders, of Grange Corner. The body was taken to Wallace and late on Sunday night was taken to the home of Jesse W. Canine in Crawfordsville. Born at Waveland, on April 15, 1864, the son of James R. and Sarah S. Canine, the deceased spent the entire span of his years in Montgomery County. He was a member of the Union Primitive Baptist Church, north of Waveland. In early life he took a keen interest in politics and became one of the leaders of the Democratic party here. For several years he was County chairman of his party and because of his activities he became prominent in state Democratic circles. It was through his work for the party that he became a close friend of many noted state leaders, including the late Thomas R. Marshall and Senator Samuel M. Ralston. For several years he was being an internal revenue officer, being located both in Terre Haute and Indianapolis. In apparently good health until the hour of his death, "J.Harvey" as he was familiarly known, kept in close touch with current affairs. He was very active in the recent city campaign, being in charge of the Democratic city headquarters. He was a veteran member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge of the coutny, and was also identified with the Supreme Tribe of Ben Hur, the Modern Woodmen and the Royal Neighbors. His only immediate relatives are his only brother, Jesse W. Canine, the latter's wife, and two nieces, Carolyn and Frances Canine, the daughters of the deceased's brother. Three sisters preceded him in death. The funeral was held at Old Union Church, north of Waveland, on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, and was in charge of Rev. C.L. Airhart of this city. Burial at Old Union Cemetery. (Crawfordsville Review). - typed by kbz