Caldwell - Maria Crowder

Maria H. CROWDER born 17 Nov 1855, Decatur, ILL and died 16 Nov 1948 in Ladoga, Montgomery Co, IN Her mother died shortly after her birth in ILL and her father, Hamilton CROWDER, rode on horseback to Ladoga, carrying a three week old baby in his arms to take her back to her maternal grandmother. Hamilton went on back to Jessamine Co, KY where he was from, eventually remarried and Maria went to live with him and her stepmother, Phoebe Elizabeth CALDWELL. Her birth mother was Mariah OWENS, dau of Mason Moss OWENS and Phoebe DURHAM.

Photos: 1) Mary Caldwell, Harriet "Hattie" Caldwell RADFORD (Frank), Maria H. CROWDER CALDWELL, Clara M Caldwell HILLIS (Frederick Bascom) taken in front of the Caldwell home, before Maria died 1948.

This is the obituary for my great grandmother, Maria H CROWDER CALDWELL, b 17 Nov 1855 in Decatur, ILL and died Ladoga, Montgomery Co, 16 Nov 1948
Maria Caldwell Obituary............given to Sande Bonde-Moffat by family members
On 17 November 1855 - ninety three years ago, a little girl was born at Decatur, Illinois to Hamilton and Maria OWENS CROWDER, whom they named Maria. Just twenty seven days later, a voice out of the dim horizon where the blue and the white seemed to meet and mingle whispered "Come". So the mother of twenty one years answered the call, leaving the tiny babe. Just as the sunset one afternoon a few days later a weary traveler was seen coming on horseback carrying little Maria on a pillow in his arms to the home of her maternal grandmother, Maria OWENS a widow of near Waveland, Indiana. Having carried the baby the entire way from Decatur to Waveland horse back. In the grandmother's home she was kept until her father,[had] a remarriage seven years later. She then lived at Danville, Kentucky with her parents, two half brothers and a half sister until she was married. Having lost her own mother, she gained a loving one in her step mother, who often said she cherished Maria as one of her own. Maria CROWDER was married to Elbert Eugene CALDWELL at Danville, Kentucky 3 August 1881. Leaving immediately for Cameron Missouri where they established their new home, living there seven years. Coming to Ladoga in 1888, buying the farm now owned by Roscoe FOUTS just south of Ladoga, whre they lived almost forty seven years. This couple lived together a span of fifty four years. Having grandchildren and great grand children before the link was ever broken. She was a member of the Presbyterian church which she enjoyed as long as her health permitted, having been in declining health for several years. On the morning of 16 November 1948 at the break of day "An Angel" called and beckoned her to "Come" and silently wafted her "spirit" to it's "Eternal Home". Had she lived only a few hours longer she would have lived ninety three years. Her's was a long well spent life. She endeared herself to those about her by her unselfishness, her kindness and solicitude for others and was deeply grateful for every kindness shown her. She has indeed "Lived in a house by the side of the road and been a friend of man". She leaves to mourn her departure three daughters and one son. Clara HILLIS, Hazelton, Indiana. Hattie RADFORD, Roachdale, Indiana. Mary CALDWELL, Ladoga, Indiana. Harold CALDWELL, near Wingate, Indiana. Ten grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. It is the way life is made. The sunshine fades from the hill-side and the music of the morning blends into the silence of the eventide. At dawn the rose blooms on it's stalk and at dusk the petals are fallen to the ground and no gathers them again.
Note: Their daughter, Clara Maria CALDWELL b 15 Aug 1882 in Cameron, DeKalb Co, MO and died 21 Jul 1961 in Louisville, Jefferson, KY. She married Frederick Bascom HILLIS of Greencastle, Putnam Co on 7 Sept 1904 in Ladoga, Montgomery Co. He was born 25 Feb 1879 in Greencastle, died 30 Aug 1956 in Louisville, KY, son of Henry Harrison HILLIS and Sarah Elizabeth O'HAIR of Greencastle, who had 8 children. Clara and Fred had 3 children, Henry Elbert HILLIS; Elbert Eugene and Maria H CALDWELL had 4 children: Clara M, Hattie Stokes m. Frank RADFORD, Harold Asberry who married Hallie Hazel HENRY and had 7 children; Mary Bell who married and divorced, had no children.
Sande Bonde-Moffat Ph: 770-438-7402 Fax: 770-438-6151