Brock - Noah
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier 15 Aug 1939 Tuesday p 15

A Confederate soldier, this fellow was loved in the North
Darlington, Aug 15 – At his home two miles northeast of here, Noah Brock, Montgomery County patriarch, celebrate his 103rd birthday. His formula for longevity is to avoid worry and eat sensibly. On his anniversary he dined on a small portion of chicken livers, mashed potatoes, green beans, tomatoes and birthday cake. He eats rolled oats, sugared for breakfast but without cream and drinks a copy of black coffee. For supper he has bread and butter, a glass of milk and cookies. He says for the next several weeks he’ll eat tomatoes twice a day. Mr. Brock would prefer not to retire until 9 o’clock but his housekeeper wants him in bed by 8, so he humors her. He is well versed on national problems of the day, reading the daily papers – frequently without his glasses. “President Roosevelt is all right,” he said yesterday, but he’s had it (office) long enough.” He added, “$75,000 is too much to pay a fisherman.”
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier 15 Aug 1941 (Fri)
Darlington, Ind Aug 15 – Noah Brock, Montgomery County’s oldest resident, celebrated his 10th birthday yesterday at his home near here and gave these opinions on current events. He believes the US will become involved in the current national war. He favors the national defense program. He disapproves of the government’s crop control measures. “A man out to be able to run his farm without government interference,” he said!

Source: Lafayette Journal-Courier 22 May 1941 Thu page 28
Darlington, May 22 – Noah Brock, 105-year-old Civil War veteran received a message wishing “continued long life and happiness” from the 52nd national Congress of Sons of the American Revolution. The message was delivered by Major Joseph Rich, NC veteran of the Spanish-American war. Brock, who fought with the South, will be 106 years old next August 14. Rich was to remain at the Brock home northeast of here for several days.
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier 12 Aug 1940 p 1
Darlington, Aug 12 – Still clinging to his philosophy of no worrying about anything, Noah Brock, Montgomery County patriarch who lives a mile northeast of here is making preparations to celebrate his 104th birthday Wednesday. One of the oldest person in the Midwest, he is still “hale and hearty.” Mr. Brock walks about a ¼ of a mile daily to the mail box when it is not too hot; reads occasionally without glasses; possesses normal hearing; and asserts that he has never allowed himself to worry. “Worry kills people,” he says: “that why I’ve always farmed.” He was born at Farmington, SC Aug 14, 1836 and fought as a Lt. in cavalry for the Confederacy during the CW. He chewed and smoke tobacco until 75 and then decided to quit, because it “wasn’t getting him anywhere.” He came to Indiana in 1871 and settled in Johnson County before moving to Montgomery and started farming near here in 1896. Mrs. Brock died in January 1936 after 69 years of married life and Mrs. Edith Brock, a dau-in-law has kept house for him since that time. The aged man has invited his two granddaughters, Mrs. William Dow and Mrs. S. Parker, both of Grand Rapids, Mich here to spend the week with him in honor of his birthday.
Source: The Munster Times Fri 4 Sept 1936 p 17
Approximately 2,000 persons viewed the community parade which included 25 floats and numerous historical displays, here yesterday, marking the opening of Darlington’s four-day centennial. Noah Brock, a Civil War veteran, who celebrated his 100th birthday Aug 14, was given honor position in the parade. He served with confederate forces in Virginia under Gen. William Henry Lee during the Civil War.
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Mon 22 June 1942 p 2
Darlington, June 22 – The scrap rubber drive being held in Darlington extended to June 30 is being handled by the Welievers Standard Service and Branstetts Motor Service company No article of rubber is too small to be included. All people in the community are urged to bring in their old articles of rubber and help n the great cause. Three flags – the American, Christian and a Service flag were presented to the Potato Creek Methodist Church by its organized classes and the WSCS in an impressive service following a Children’s day” service!
Following a distance were here to attend the funeral of Noah Brock, age 105 at his home: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Paddock; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coons; Ralph Sutton; Mrs. Nellie Surface and son and Mrs. Roy Coons (sic) of Greenwood; Carl Darrell; Mrs. Alice Church and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Winings of Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leslie, Lafayette; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brown of Bloomington; Mr. and Mrs. Stinton Parker and son; Mrs. William Dow and son and daughter of Grand Rapids, Mich.
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier 20 Aug 1928 (Mon)
Darlington – Noah Brock quietly celebrated his 92nd birthday anniversary at his home northeast of here. Many friends kindly remembered him with gifts of flowers. He is enjoying good health.
A Confederate soldier, this fellow was loved in the North

by Karen Zach
Thursday, June 25, 2020 4:00 AM
In August, 1936, Noah Monroe Brock tallied the oldest Montgomery County citizen, hitting 100 years old that birthday, living to be yet five and almost six years older. Certainly, he loved birthdays and had many unique and unusual ones.
Born in Farmington, North Carolina 14 August, 1836 to William Britton and Frances Chaffin Brock, the youngest of four sons and at least two sisters, he did what he loved, farmed, but when the Civil War broke out, he was forced to make a choice. He chose with two of his brothers to fight for the Confederates. Another brother chose the other side.
With a good education, Noah enlisted 2 Oct 1861 with the rank of 2nd Sgt. He would spend all four years in the ranks of Co B, 10th Virginia Calvary and move up to 1st Lt., having fought under William Henry Lee and was wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg.
Upon his return, he fell in love with Emily Church whose family loved him. In fact, about everyone loved Noah Monroe Brock. She was 15 and he twice her age when they were married April 17th in 1866 by Rev. C.M. Anderson. This marriage would storm the birth and death of four children (some indication also had a son Ben who died young); moving several states, and finally the death of the adored Emily, but that wasn’t until after almost 70 years of marriage (lacking less than three months).
The family lived in NC where three of the children to grow to adulthood were born: Willie Lee in Feb 1867; Sallie (March 1869); Richard Francis “Frank” (Dec 1871) and Belle (Nov 1876). Right after Frank’s birth, they moved to Johnson County, Indiana and about 20 years (according to two sources although they are listed in the 1880 MoCo census) later moved on to their last home just northeast of Darlington. Life is odd, for sure. He lived to be almost 106; Emily 85, but Willie died of asthma at age 41; Frank killed himself at 45; Belle died at age 47 (bladder troubles) and Sallie lived the longest of their children to be 52. She was also the only one to have children: three – Lee, Belle and Florence.
Noah’s birthday party after Belle passed away was instigated and carried out with 46 in attendance by Emily’s brother and families. Thereafter, although the grand girls lived in Michigan, Noah would invite them and Lee, who mainly lived in the Darlington area, to join him for his parties after the deaths of Emily and his children. Many friends from the area would stop by and bring flowers and small gifts, as well. Definitely, he was lucky to have his daughter-in-law, Edith (wife of Willie) take excellent care of him. They had a true love for each other it seemed and he would let her boss him around as long as it was for his own good. His 100th birthday was one of the best, though as it was not only his 100th but the 100th of Darlington, too. He led the parade of 25 floats (plus many displays) and everyone was so proud of their unique veteran. Over 2,000 persons viewed the celebration and most individuals in the Darlington area were involved!
Even the press loved old Noah, as they often featured him in small pieces, including quite the hoopla when he became a member of the Sons of the American Revolution and even had Major Joseph Rich, a NC veteran of the Spanish-American War come to present a personal wish to have a “long and continued life of happiness,” on Noah’s 105th. The problem I found however was that there really wasn’t an exceptional picture of our fellow, but here is one of the better ones from the Lafayette Journal-Courier 15 April 1939. Edith was good to all his visitors (he had many from all over the US) and Major Rich stayed several days enjoying everyone’s company and hospitality.
At other times, Noah would be questioned on current events. Once he said, “President Roosevelt is all right, but he’s had office long enough!” He was well read and even after his century day could read without his glasses. Daily, he walked ¼ of a mile to his post box and said that not worrying (“Worry kills people, that’s why I’ve always farmed”) and eating right was the key to a lengthy life. An example of his meal was “a small portion of chicken livers, mashed potatoes, green beans, fresh tomatoes” (that he dearly loved) and almost always cookies, cake or a dessert. For breakfast, rolled oats, sugared but no cream and a cup of black coffee. Not sure that’s all so healthy, but it obviously worked for him!
After a short illness of just a few days, still able to come to the table for his meals, he passed away. Dr. Ralph Edward Otten of Darlington signed Noah’s death record and I loved that he made sure that everyone knew how great he was, even someone who didn’t know him as the age was huge and bold, meticulously written as 105 Years 9 Months 26 Days. Rest in peace, Noah Monroe Brock!
Karen Zach is the editor of Montgomery Memories, our monthly magazine all about Montgomery County. Her column, Around the County, appears each Thursday in The Paper of Montgomery County