Bazzani - Kathryn Smith

Source: Tri-County News, Thursday, April 12, 1956 -- note: the picture above is with the scrapbook of my grandmother, Sarah "Hazel" Morgan Smith. She was Ruth's aunt and kept everything, absolutely everything about each and every relative. Mom got to reading about it and decided she wanted to see if she could get Ruth, well-deservedly, on the This is Your Life show and by-gum, she did !!
Many of us think we would like to get in motion the chain of events which cause things to get done, but too often most of us just think it and do nothing more about it. That wasn't true with Kathryn Bazzani when she began thinking about her cousin, Ruth Joiner, in terms of the "This is Your Life" television Show. Kate believed that Ruth's life was just as deserving of being portrayed as some of the other portrayals she had seen on the popular Ralph Edwards show so she didn't let her wishes end with just wishes. She sad down and wrote a letter to Ralph Edwards. In a few days came a form letter reply acknowledging the request and advising Kate that the Edwards Office would keep the letter on file for future reference.
Kate quite naturally surmised that the reply was just a courteous way of saying the Edward's office wouldn't be interested in her idea, so a long distance call from Hollywood soon afterward came as something of a shock and surprise to her. It was the Edwards office, and they were definitely interested. And then began the series of events which led to the program which appeared last night and in which residents of this area had for more than a casual interest. Details of the program are related elsewhere in this newspaper. Kate works in the office of this paper, gathering much for the news each week.
When she began working last September, it was a completely new field for her, but the able manner in which she has handled the job be readily seen in the quantity of local news she gets. Kate was born July 8, 1920, just across the county line in Parke County near Byron, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith. Her first 8 years of schooling were at Byron then she moved with her parents to Waveland where she attended high school, graduating in 1938. Kate has one sister, Hulda Smith.
After graduation, Kate went to work in the local telephone office, then worked in Indianapolis at Allisons; PR Mallory, Inc and National Malieable Steel Castings Co. In 1946 she was married to Fred Bazzani and they lived for a year and a half in Terre Haute where Fred was attending Rose Polytechnic and also working for the Kentucky Natural Gas Co. They moved to Waveland in 1948 where they now make their home with three children, twins Larry and Gary and daughter, Karen. - typed by kbz
Source: Waveland Independent, May 3, 1956
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bazzani and family and Mrs. Carl Smith attended the family potluck supper, Sunday night at the Milligan Memorial Presbyterian Church in Crawfordsville, honoring Ruth Joiner. Approximately 100 people enjoyed the evening, including about 25 members of Mrs. Joiner's family. Mr. and Mrs. John Ward were guests. Mrs. Joiner, her family and guests were seated at a long table covered with a white cloth, centered with a beautifully decorated cake. The cake was white with red roses and the inscription, "Congratulations, Ruth Joiner." The other tables were centered with potted greenery. Group singing was enjoyed and several talks were given. Mrs. Joiner expressed her happiness and thanks and also displayed her charm bracelet and the book containing the entire script of the television progran on which she was recently featured. The evening was closed with prayer by Rev. McMullen.