Barnett - Edward - Enoch
Source: Walters, Crystal Pauline Randel. History of Clark Township, Ladoga, and part of Scott Township, Montgomery Co., Indiana, 1828 to 1971. 

Dr. Edward Enoch BARNETT born 1839, son of William and Mary Ellis Barnett, who lived northeast of Ladoga, was a captain in the Civil War in the 1st Indiana Cavalry unit. He was in Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia. He began the study of medicine after he came home from the war, under Dr. James S. McCLELLAND, spring of 1865. Then he began to practice in partnership with Dr. McClelland. I think he attended a medical college, too, for Dr. GRIFFITH said he knew him, as they were classmates in school. TB had such a hold on him; he knew he had to get a different climate. He started to California, but he died at Maryville, California, and it´s said that he is buried there in an unmarked grave. He never married. He taught school at Greenwood School west of New Ross, and it´s said he named the school. But the ones who gave the land for a school had come from an area in Butler Co., Ohio, called Greenwood, so it could have been named by more than one. - typed by kbz