Busenbark - Blanche

Source: Crawfordsville Jouranl Review 5-21-1958 - "Meet The President " article
Home Economics work in Montgomery County, in an organized manner, was launched on a stomy day in March 1908, when four courageous women met in the county courthouse to organize an auxiliary of the Farmers Institute. Today, Mrs. Blanche M. Busenbark, who lived on a farm until she came to Crawfordsvillto reside 8 years ago is the president of the Crawfoardsville Home Economics Club which observed its 50th anniversary here a few days ago.
Born on her father's farm near DOver in Boone County, Mrs. Busenbark completed her grade school study in the country school near her home and then attended Lebanon HS where she graduated. Following her graduation from HS, she attended Crawfordsville Business College. During the yeaers she resided on a farm, both before and after her marriage to Fred Busenbark Mrs. Busenbark actively engaged in many phases of farm labor in addition to her duties in the home. She was a charter member of the home Economics Club inJefferson Township, Boone County, which was organizedin 1936.
Mr. and Mrs. Busenbark came to Crawfordsville to reside in 1950 and purchased the residence at 614 E. Pike St where they still reside. Mr. Busenbark is now associated with Barko Liquid Fertilizer in Ladoga. Both Mr. and Mrs. Busenbark are members of the Presbyterian Church in Shannondale. Mrs. Busenbark also has membership in one of the women's circles in the Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church where she attends meetings retularly. Mr. Busenbark is a Scottish Rite Mason.
Mr. and Mrs. Busenbark are parents of 3 children. Their daughter, Mrs. Joanne Beebee who resides on a farm east of Crawfordsville is a registered nurse and graduate of the Methodist School of Nursing. She is now a nurse in the office of Dr. J. Marion Kirtley in Crawfordsville. Victor Busenbark, their older son an agronomy graduate of Purdue with the class of 1951, is associated with Barko Fertilizer in Ladoga. Hugh Busenbark, the younger son, who is a Wabash graduate with the class of 1952, is working for his master's degree while employed as a Time Study man with the Indiana Filters Co. in Lebanon.
Since she became a Home Economics Club memer, first in Jefferson Township (Boone County) more than 20 years ago, and then a Crawfordsville Club member 8 years Mrs. Busenbark has been very active in club work. Many farm women throughout Montgomery County are also active, carrying on the work launched by the four women who organized the first Home Economics Club in the county 50 years ago. The four charter members were mrs. JW Ramsey; Mrs. George Davis; Mrs. Eli E. Armantrout, aand Miss Clara Armantrout.
The first few meetings the charter members held were "round table" discussions on subjects pertaining to home economics. For several years the meetings were held on the __ Tuesday of the month in the basement of Carnegie Library. Addresses by Crawfordsville attorneys and ministers and various educators, as well as farm and home debates, featured the programs of their meetings.
In 1911 the women organized a Girls Domestic Science Club and five years later in 1916, 4-H clubs were organized. More recently the Home Economics club has sponsored the sending of girls to the State Fair School. The first county agricultural agent came to the county in 1937 and a Home Demonstration agent was then obatained to help in the work. Gordon A. Sowers is now the county agent and Mrs. Avanelle Sanders is the home demonstration agent.
Home Economics Club women organized the Flower Lovers Club and also the Road Side Council. A May Day tea is held once a year and an Achievmeent Day is also held with several hundred in attendance. The club formed the County Chorus in 1940 and mrs Walter Moyer has now been its able director for the 18 years of its activities. It has given many programs over the years and participated in the state demonstration conference sing at Purdue.
There are now 51 Home Economics local clubs in Montgomery COunty and a few days ago they joined in a May Day tea to honor the mother club and its president Mrs. Busenbark. And so, as one of the club members emphasized: "The work of the women of Montgomery County goes on in much the same interesting and informative manner it ...