Aydelotte - Thomas B.
Source: Zach, Karen Bazzani. Montgomery Medicine Men .... Crawfordsville: Montgomery County Historial Society, 2002.
Although Nancy Eckerman (state library) had Thomas Aydelotte listed as a Montgomery County physician, I found nothing to substantiate this. She also had him being born March 8, 1897 but graduating in 1880 from the University of Louisville. Another birthday for him was the last day of December in 1800 but this birth date makes little sense either as he would not have graduated from a medical college at age 80. Thus, I include Thomas ... just in case. Also, there was a Charles Aydelotte, born 8 Oct 1848, a native of Kentucky, a Christian and a Dentist. They may or may not have been related.
Since Charles (died in Crawfordsville 26 Nov 1905) practice his dentistry mainly in Fountain some here it seems suspicious Thomas Aydelotte would indeed be some relation. Thomas Benjamin Aydelotte, Dr. born 24 May 1853 died 19 June 1899 Newtown, Fountain County - just FYI.