Fiskville School

Fiskville School on North Whiltlock Avenue
Source: "Crawfordsville High School/Union Township"", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 20 April 1894 p 3
The play of the “Irish Janitor” given in the Fiskville School Friday night was one of the best home talent performances in the history of the city. The place was jammed by an enthusiastic audience and Keplar’s orchestra furnished the sweetest of music. The only disturbance was the giving away of the bench occupied by Manager Townsley of Music Hall who was present with an eye to booking the attraction. The performers were all excellent in their parts and the following is the cast of characters.
Jennie McWhack, “The Irish Janitor,” with specialties … Glen Coppage
Kate Bell, the School Miss … Miss Bertha Elliott
Mrs. Grump, an irate and complaining parent … Effie Elmore
Mrs. Undertow, acquainted with her husband’s affairs … Miss Lena Elliott
Marly Undertow, between love and duty … Miss Mattie Boaraker
Undertow, a practical man, a self-made man “poor job” … Joseph Courtney
Cipher, a friend of education always agrees with the Board whenever able to do so … Chas. Burroughs
Trueblood, an obstinate director … William Mish
Minnie Trueblood, a friend of Miss Bell … Miss Annie Elliott
Milton Harmon, a social problem but subject to change … IM Init
Johnnie Grump, the “little (rising) son” .. Master Leon Joseph Coppage
Amelia Fattie, one of the rising generation … Mr. Tab Burroughs
Miss Hulda Hardwick, a frivolous young scholar with an eye to accuracy .. Miss Lula Kepler
Scholars, supes, etc by themselves
Miss Effie Elmore brought the house down as Mrs. Grump and Joe Coppage as her little son Johnnie was too cute for anything. Miss Mattie Boraker sustained the part of Marley Undertow with characteristic expression and energy. Glen Coppage impersonated the Irish Janitor in his inimatable style and was generously encored on every specialty introduced. He also sustained the character of Harmon and made some quick changes in costume. Miss Bertha Elliot as the school Miss conducted her part with such success that she would be taken as a first class school teacher. Joseph Courtney as Undertow, the principal member of the school board was a strong character throughout. Chas. Burroughs as Cipher and William Mish as Trueblood added weight and dignity to the board and sustained a dignity far above their years. Miss Lena Elliott as Mrs. Undertow showed that she “knew all about her husband’s affairs” in admirable style. Miss Annie Elliott played the character of Minnie Trueblood and proved a fine player as a friend of the school Miss. Miss Lula Kepler as Miss Hulda Hardwick was a fine character and a very “accurate pupil.” Tab Burroughs as Amelia Fattie had eaten a specially large supper and was as fat as it was possible to be and brought the house down when he smiled on Hulda Hardwick.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 4 Feb 1893 p 3
The complaint against Elmer Hobson, teacher of the Fiskville School will be tried by Supt. Zuck next Monday. LJ Coppage will appear for the plaintiff and FH Mount for the defendant. All Fiskeville will be present, armed to the teeth.Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 18 Feb 1893 p 4
The other day Elmer Hobson of the Fiskville School was prosecuted by the patrons for whipping his scholars too much and yesterday Mrs. Warren, teacher at No 3 in Walnut Township was prosecuted for not whipping hers enough. Supt. Zuck heard the evidence and has the case under consideration at present. The complaint was to the effect that Mrs. Warren didn’t whip enough to preserve harmony. Hobson whipped too much. To the average school teacher of today the following old lines ”You can and you can’t, You shall and you shan’t; You will and you won’t; You’ll be damned if you do And you’ll be damned if you don’t.”