Source: Crawfordsville Record, 28 May 1836
Board of Trustees of County Seminary of Montgomery County – Ordered that notice be given by publication in the Crawfordsville Record, that proposals will be received by this board on the 16th day of June next at the court house in Crawfordsville, for making sash and putting the same in the widows of the upper story of the county seminary and for painting all the sash in said house, above and below, with two good coats of white lead; also, for putting glass in all of the windows of said house and for putting in two substantial floors to support the hearts in second story – the undertaker to furnish glass and all other necessary materials. Proposals will also be received for furnishing all necessary materials for lathing and plastering with two good coats of lime, the two lower rooms and passages of said house, complete. All materials used to be of good and suitable kind, and the work to be executed in a neat and workmanlike manner. The undertaker will be required to give bond with approved security for the faithful performance and completion of said work as above described by the 15th of August next. One half of the contract money will be paid in advance and the residue out of the first money hereafter received by the treasurer of this board. A copy – attest, JW Lynn, Clerk. May 25, 1836