1836 School Tax notice

1836 Commissioner - School Taxes
Source: Crawfordsville Record, 27 Feb 1836
I, Ezekiel McConnell, school commissioner of said county, do hereby certify the following to be a correct list and description of the lands and town lots upon which taxes were not paid for the year 1832, by nonresidents, and others who had no personal property to pay their taxes, as returned to me, by the collector of said county on the first day of December 1832; and notice is hereby given, that unless the taxes, percentage, and costs, due upon such lands and lots to be paid, on or before the next term of the circuit court in and for said county, a motion will be made on the second or some subsequent day of the said next term of said court, that any and all such tracts of land and town lots, upon which any money is due as aforesaid, may vest in the state of Indiana.
Description of Lands
W 1/2 SW qr Sec 24 Township 17 Rg 4 80 Acres Owner unknown
W 1/2 NE qr Section 20 Township 18, Range 4 80 acres Owner, unknown
W 1/2 NW qr Section 32 Townshjip 17 Range 5 80 Acres Owner, Unknown
E 1/2 SW & W 1/2 SE qrs Section 34 Twp 17 Range 5 160 acres Owner unknown
W 1/2 NE qtr Section 26 Township 18 Range 6 80 Acres Owner unknown
E 1/2 NE qr Sec 24, & W 1/2 NW qr Sectioni 35 Township 18 Range 6 160 Acres Owner unknown
E 1/2 SW qr Section 12 Township 19 Range 4 80 acres Owner unknown
W 1/2 NW qr Section 12 Township 19 Range 5 80 Acres Owner unknown
W 1/2 SE qr Section 33 Township 19 Range 5 80 acres Owner unknown
Description of Town Lots
Crawfordsivlle Orig plant Lot # 33 all owners unknown
Lots 102
Lot 122
Lot 123
Lot 125
Lot 126
Dunn Addition in-lots 169
Dunn addition outlot #5
Wilson addn outlot 5
Wilson's addition outlot 6
Wilson outlot 15
Wilson's addit 16
Wilson's addition 19
Wilson's addition 20
Wilson's addition 25
Wilson's addition 26
All persons interested in the titles of the above lands and lots will do well to give immediate attention to redeemiing the same. E McConnell, Com'r of school lands of Montgomery County Crawfordsville Jan 22, 1836