North Montgomery School Song

North Montgomery Chargers—Orange and Blue
School Song—Across the Field, Ohio State
“Oh We will always fight for North Montgomery beating every foe.
And we will always stand behind our Chargers we are on the go.
To our school we'll always be true; we stand out in all that we do.
Hail, Hail, the team's all here and we'll push on to victory!
Oh, you will see the ever mighty Chargers fight for victory.
And you will hear the crowd give out this cheer for North Montgomery.
Hit them hard and see how they fall, never let that team get the ball.
Hail, Hail, the team's all fighting for North Montgomery!
School newspaper-none
School yearbook—Many times called Charger Flashback. Other times just labeled North Montgomery High School
- thanks Bill Boone :)