Miss Byril Sloan - Students
Elementary Grades Third and Fourth Taught by Miss Byril Sloan. This is labeled as 1924, however according to Dr. Arvin, she taught the years 1920-1921, 1921-1922 and 1922-1923. Names are included on the back side of the picture. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Note on back of picture: This picture was taken when I was in the 4th Grade. Name: ~~~~ ~~~~
Teacher: Miss Sloan
First Row, Left to Right: Marion Mahaska, Leslie White, Walter Turpin, William Livingdton, ~~~ Tribbey, Stanley Mitchell, Wiley Robbins, Oakel Fuller.
Second Row, Left to Right: Homer Foxworthy, Russell Mitchell, Mary Murdock, Helen Donovan, ~~~ Kinkade, Frances Stephens, Clara E. Cottrell, Mary Etta Fuller, John Zook, Paul Fulwider.
Third Row, Left to Right: Helen Hays, Lee Meharry, Frances Mitchell, Mary Hatton, Margaret Byers, Margaret Tatlock, Mary Warrick, Mata Byers, Frances Earl, Margaret Johnson.
Fourth Row, Left to Right: Miss Sloan, Frederick Duncan, Milford Brimberry, ~~~ Brimberry, Clifton Coon, Clarence Byers, John Connel, Russell Lane, Carl Mitchell, John Oxley.
Lower right hand corner says 1924!