Kirkpatrick Baseball team - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Kirkpatrick Baseball team

Kirkpatrick Baseball team - early 1907

Source: "MADISON TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

The undefeatable Kirkpatrick team

Reportedly undefeatable in the year of 1907,  the Kirkpatrick baseball team from northern Montgomery County posed for this picture with a few cows in the outfield.  The picturewas taken at "dick's Woods" at the northeast edge of Kirkpatrick.  "I was told that the year the picture was taken they didn't lose a game and they played a lot of big teams at the time," says Harold Coopman of Clarks Hill, who submitted the team photo.  
Identified are: Seated on the ground, left to right, Clarence "Chunck" Ryker and Willard Mahpy.
Seated on the bench: Ed Johnson, Art Gray, Leo Grimes and a fellow that can only be identified as Wilson.
Standin in the back row, Saenett, unidentified, Sam Bridewell and two other unidentifieds.
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