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Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Tuesday December 3, 1918

The outlook in the Bowers Schools took on a brighter aspect today with the employment of two more teachers for the HS. The princpal is to be Hubert Smith of New Market, who has lately been discharged from the service at Camp Taylor. He is a Wabash College graduate and was formerly principal at New Market schools. Marvin Smith of Indianapolis is the other man selected. He is a Indiana University man and has also been recently mustered out of army service. trustee Dunbar has more eligible instructors who have applied for the remaining vacancies, but they have not as yet been made public. Applicants for the places are still in demand. In the following letter from the state HS inspector it is almost certain the Bowers HS is to be commissioned. THis will be another boom for the school as a great many of the students after leaving the common school went elsewhere to attend HS on account of the length of the terms. The letter runs as follows:

Mr. A.L. Dunbar,
RFD No. 2, Colfax, Indiana.

My Dear Mr. Dunbar:
After having conferred with yourself and County Superintendent James this week I see no reason why the Bowers HS may not very shortly be brought up in the required standard and be made to fulfill these requirements since my visit of inspection early in October and am glad to assure you that if the recommendations made at that time are carried out before the first of January, I shall be glad to recommend the renewal of the commission of this HS. I say this with full knowledge and approval of the action taken in securing a new staff of teachers for the school. With best wishes, I am ... sincerely yours, Oscar H. Williams, Inspector

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