Land Entries, 1807 - 1820
Key: Date: Date of entry at the Vincennes land office. F: Land was forfeited for failure to maintain payments.
Each appearance of a person's name indicated a separate land entry.
In those places where a name and date appears twice, there were two separate
purchases of land.
Austin, Lyman G. (Dr.) - 28 August 1816 (F) Austin, Lyman G. - 30 September 1816 Baker, Abner - 24 March 1818 Ballow, William - 23 September 1814 Blair, William M. - 1 December 1819 (F) Bruner, Christian - 29 May 1817 Bruner, Christian - 29 November 1817 Crist, Jacob - 6 September 1817 Cole, John - 27 December 1816 (F) Cruse, Henry - 25 October 1817 (F)C ushman, Alvan - 17 May 1817 Damrell, Edmund - 14 April 1818 (F) Davis, John P. - 7 May 1816 (F) Davis, Philip - 2 October 1815 Davis, Philip - 17 September 1817 Davis, Philip - 20 April 1818 Day, E.M. and Fitzgerald, Samuel - 25 August 1818 (F) Denison, William and Michael - 18 October 1819 (F) Denton, Andrew - 7 June 1819 (F) Denton, Andrew - 7 June 1819 Doan, David and Davis, Ransom - 8 July 1817 (F) Doke, James - 19 December 1816 (F) Doke, James - 15 February 1819 (F) Doke, James - 31 July 1819 Dougherty, William and Stephens, James - 13 July 1814 Dougherty, William and Stephens, James - 13 July 1814 Drake, John - 6 February 1819 unn, Isaac - 17 August 1813 Ellis, John - 23 October 1819 Ellis, John - 23 October 1819 (F) Elsey, Robert - 30 July 1819 Elsey, Robert - 30 July 1819 (F) Evans, David - 22 February 1819 (F) Faris, Johnston - 17 December 1819 (F) Fields, Robert - 16 January 1818 (F) ields, Robert - 16 January 1818 (F) Fields, Robert - 31 March 1818 (F) Fisher, Nathan - 8 May 1820 itch, Doyer - 26 August 1819 (F) Fitzgerald, Samuel and Day, E.M. - 22 August 1818 Fitzgerald, Samuel and Wise, Abraham - 22 August 1818 Fitzgerald, Samuel and Wise, Abraham - 22 August 1818 (F) Force, Whitfield - 5 February 1820 Foster, Robert - 15 March 1819 Gaddis, George - 15 November 1817 (F) Gaddis, George - 16 January 1818 (F) Gardner, Henry - 10 December 1818 (F) Gardner, Robert - 18 September 1817 (F) Gilcrease, Stephen R. - 26 October 1816 (F) Gilcrease, Stephen R. - 26 October 1816 (F) Gold, John - 29 February 1816 (F) Gold, John - 29 February 1816 Gootee, Thomas - 3 February 1818 Gray, William - 2 September 1818 (F) Green, John - 9 October 1818 Griffin, Henry - 25 April 1820 (F) Griswold, Gilbert - 25 August 1816 win, Edmund - 29 September 1817 Halbert, Joel - May 27, 1815 Harris, Isaac - 21 April 1817 Harris, Isaac - 21 April 1817 (F) Harris, William - 3 January 1818 (F) Hawkins, Eli and Perry, Samuel - 9 May 1816 (F) Hays, Joseph - 2 Feb. 1818 (F) ays, William - 30 July 1817 Hendricks, Nathan - 10 February 1819 Hendricks, Nathan - 10 February 1819 (F) enry, John F. and McClung, Thomas M. - 23 September 1818 Horsey, Clement - 17 February 1817 (F) Horsey, Lemuel - 18 March 1818 Hosmer, John and Porter, Ezekiel - 12 September 1818 (F) Hosmer, John and Porter, Ezekiel - 16 December 1817 Hosmer, John and Porter, Ezekiel - 16 December 1817 (F) Hunter, William - 30 August 1817 (F) Hunter, William - 20 September 1819 (F) ames, Levi - 7 November 1817 (F) ohnston, General Washington - 2 June 1807J ones, James - 18 April 1818 (F) Jones, Jeremiah - 29 June 1816 (F) Jones, William - 10 November 1818 (F) Jones, William and Sholts, Frederick - 30 April 1818 Jones, William and Sholts, Frederick - 30 April 1818 (F) Kennedy, Robert and Kilburn, Elisha - 6 September 1814 Key, Marshall - 23 September 1818 Kilburn, Elisha - 3 January 1818 (F) Logan, David - 31 May 1819 (F) Long, William - 17 October 1818 Long, William - 17 October 1818 (F) McCameron, James - 16 December 1819 (F) McKnight, Roger - 25 March 1818 McNutt, Robert - 26 June 1819 McNutt, Robert - 26 January 1819 Manning, Harvey - 15 January 1819 Mansfield, John F. - 10 December 1807 Marshall, Hubert - 24 February 1815 (F) Martin, Thomas E. - 14 October 1816 Martin, Thomas E. - 14 October 1816 (F) Matkin, David - 10 July 1816 attox, William - 4 December 1819 (F) Millis, Edward - 3 October 1816 Mitcheltree, George - 5 October 1815 Moorehead, Thomas and Taylor, Robert Jr. - 23 September 1818 (F) Moorehead, Thomas and Moorehead, John - 23 September 1818 (F) Morland, Enos - 8 February 1819 (F) Myers, Jacob - 25 March 1818 Newton, George - 10 June 1819 Newton, George - 10 June 1819 (F) Newton, George - 28 December 1819 (F) Norman, Moses - 30 November 1819 Norman, Moses - 30 November 1819 (F) Nye, John - 11 September 1819 Nye, John - 11 September 1819 (F) Nye, John - 25 July 1820 Nye, John - 25 July 1820 Osborn, Solomon - 15 October 1818 Peck, John - 25 June 1816 (F) Peck, John - 5 July 1816 (F) Peek, Cager - 21 November 1814 Perry, Samuel - 13 May 1816 Perry, Samuel - 15 May 1816 Perry, Samuel - 29 September 1816 Pipher, Michael - 10 October 1817 (F) Pipher, Michael - 23 September 1817 Pipher, Michael - 23 September 1817 (F) Porter, Ezekiel Dr. - 30 June 1818 (F) Porter, John R. - 23 May 1818 Potter, Arnold - 25 September 1817 Prentiss, John M. - 2 October 1819 Prentiss, John M. - 2 October 1819 (F) Prentiss, John M. - 8 July 1819 (F) Raney, Clement Sr. - 7 October 1817 Raney, Clement Sr. - 7 October 1817 (F) Raney, George - 9 March 1819 Raney, George - 9 March 1819 (F) Raney, Johnson - 30 September 1815(F) Raney, Joseph - 7 October 1817 Ridge, Benjamin - 25 March 1818 Ridge, Cornelius - 25 March 1818 Ridge, Cornelius - 5 May 1818 iley, John - 23 October 1819 (F) Riley, John - 23 October 1819 Riley, John - 16 January 1818 Robinson, William - 17 November 1817 (F) Rogers, Lewis R. and Nye, John - 11 September 1819 (F) Rogers, Lewis R. and Nye, John - 11 September 1819 (F) Ruggles, Nathaniel F. - 10 May 1819 (F) Shepherd, George Jr. - 5 October 1818 Shields, John - 19 April 1819 (F) Sheilds, John - 19 April 1819 Sholts, Frederick - May 21, 1819 Sholts, Frederick - May 21, 1819 (F) Sholts, Frederick - 12 March 1819 (F) Sholts, Frederick - June 3, 1819 (F) Sholts, Frederick - 20 October 1820 Sholts, Frederick - 20 October 1814 Sholts, Frederick - 17 November 1815 Sholts, Frederick - 9 October 1817 (F) Sholts, Mathias - 10 May 1819 (F) Shirley, Adam - 12 August 1819 (F) Simmons, Moses - 11 September 1819 (F) Smith, John - 19 July 1819 (F) Smith, John - 10 June 1819 (F) Smith, John - 7 October 1819 mith, John - 7 October 1819 (F) Snyder, William - 15 March 1818 Speed, Henry - 14 May 1816 (F) Speers, Richard - 22 March 1819 (F) Stephens, James - 6 April 1818 Stephens, James - 6 April 1818 (F) Stewart, Solomon - 9 November 1818 Stewart, Solomon - 9 November 1818 (F) Stringham, Stephen P. - 9 October 1818 (F) Teverbaugh, Abraham - 10 October 1815 Tindale, John - 22 May 1818 Tindale, John - 22 May 1818 (F) Tourman, David - 8 July 1819 (F) Tournman, John T. - 5 April 1820 (F) Trover, Leonard - 9 October 1818 (F) Truelove, William C. - 31 October 1818 Wallis, Wesley - 7 May 1816 (F) Warner, Joseph - 23 April 1818 Warner, Joseph - 23 April 1818 (F) Watson, John - 17 August 1814 (F) Watson, Washington - 25 March 1816 Watson, Washington - 25 March 1816 (F) Watson, Washington - 6 June 1816 (F) Weaver, Richard - 22 July 1818 Wenzel, John C. - 24 May 1819 (F) Wenzel, John C. - 4 June 1819 (F) Wenzel, John C. - 24 May 1819 Woods, James S. and Drake, John - 19 September 1818 Woods, James S. and Drake, John - 19 September 1818 (F)
Source: History of Martin County, Indiana Volume II - by Harry Q. Holt
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