W. Alex Killion
Will Book C       Page 456
Transcribed as written with no intentional corrections or changes.
Be it known that W.A. Killion being of sound mind ind disposing memoryv do make and publish this my last willnnd testament.

Ist. I desire that all my just debts and funeral expenses including concrete vault for my burial be paid, also a monument at my grave.

2nd. I desire that my beloved wife Emma Killion be paid out of my estate the sum of thirteen hundred and forty dollars.

3rd. The balance of my estate I direct to be divided into three equal parts, May Andis to have one part.Dicy Walls to have one part, the remaining part to he equally divided between Addie Gray and Ethel Killion.

I appoint O.W.Summervllle as my executor. Signed and sealed this the 8th day of June, 1920.
                    W. A. Klllion.

Witnessed by Asberry Williams and Aden Westfall in the presence of testator and in the presence of each other.
                        Asberry Williams
                    Aden Westfall.
State of Indiana, Martin County, SS;
Before me, Sherman McPherson, Clerk of the Martin Circuit Court, personally came Aden Westfall one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing last will and testament of W. Alex Killion, late of Martin County, Indiara , deceased, and being duly sworn on oath says that he was present at the execution of said last will; that the same was duly executed, that at the time of the
execution thereof, said testator was of full age to devise his property, of sound mind and memory and not under any coercion or restraint, that said testator requested Asberry Williams and Aden Westfall to sign said will as witnesses thereto, which they accordingly did in the presence of
said testator and in the presence of each other as subscribing witnesses thereto.

                    Aden Westfall

Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 23rd, day of July, 1920.

Sherman McPherson, Clerk.