Submited by Mike Sutton Found the Newman, Illinois Newman Independent Newspaper Golden Wedding Anniversary-Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sutton of Newman Celebrated Their Fifieth Wedding Anniversay, Sunday, Oct. 28, 1928. One hundred relatives and friends present to wish them many more such anniversaries. A very unique celebration was held last Sunday, Oct. 28, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sutton, of this city. On this day fifty years ago they were married in southern Indiana. They celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary last Sunday surraounded by their children, grandchildren, relatives and friends and renewed thier vows in their presence. The wedding solo was "Loves Old Sweet Song" was sung by their daughter Mrs. Gertrude Sutton, of Terre Haute, Indiana. Mr and Mrs. Sutton accompanied by Dr. C. Rutherford and wife, as Best Man and Brides maid took their places to the strains of Mendelosn's Wedding March, played by their daughter, Miss Madge Sutton. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Chas. K. Grammer, of the First Christian Church assisted by Rev. Geo. K. Keithey, of the Shaw Memorial Presbyterian Church. Dr. Grammer reports that the groom, in spite of previous experience, showed considerable nervousness. About one hundred relatives and friends had gathered to wish the couple success and happiness in their journey through life, and they left many substantial and beautifl presents behind them to remind the happy couple of the high esteem in which they hold them. Mr. Sutton read aloud many congratulatory telegrams and letters from friends and relatives who were unable to attend the celebration. After the ceremony has been spoken the guests were invited to the dining room where a truly wonderful wedding dinner was served. At the close of the dinner the bride fearfully approached the task of cutting the weddign cake, which decorated with fifty candles, graced the center of the Bride's table. It was noted that a celebrated Divine, of this city, instead of eating his slice of the cake, had it wrapped up in order that he might take it home" to dream on" remarking he had, up to date, had no "no luck" with ordinary wedding cakes adn wanted to try a Golden Wedding one. Immediately following their wedding in Indiana, fifty years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, moved to Newman, and it is certainly very unusual to not that they have lived on the same piece of ground from that day until today. Late in the evening the guests departed reiterating their good wishes and hopes that this much loved couples will be able to celebrate many more such happy occasions. The out of town guests were: Mr and Mrs George Ewing of Arcola; Mr and Mrs Hubert Sutton and family of Terre Haute, Ind. Mr and Mrs Lester Correl of Sidell, Idis Chandler of Frankfort, Ind; Mr and Mrs Wash Julian, of Columbus, Ind Estella Shurfick, of Ogadlah, Kas. The Newman Independent. |