Marshall County Asylum
This is a combined index from two sources. The first source is the Asylum Register transcription published in the January 1995 Marshall County Roots and Branches. That listing was ordered by date of admission to the home and did not contain page number references. Entries taken from the Marshall County Roots and Branches will have RB in the page column. The RB entries had an additional column for Nativity. To save a bit of space, the nativity column is not shown in this table. Please check the Nativity table if you are interested in this data item for any RB entry. Please note that only non-American entries from the RB source are included in the Nativity table.
The second source is an index to the Asylum Register held at the Marshall County Research Library. Page numbers are provided for entries from that index.
For a brief history of the Asylum see the article that accompanied the register listing in the Marshall County Roots and Branches. That article further explained, "The old register is being printed here due to the wealth of genealogical and historical information it contains. For the most part, age probably refers to the age at the time of entering the home, but not in every case. If there is a question, looking at the original entry is in order. An attempt has been made to copy entries as written, including misspelled words."