Daily Oklahoman
February 16, 1911
page 10

NOTE: The item below was abbreviated from the original as noted by the ellipsis.


Officer Is Victor in a Long Drawn Out Struggle for Existence with a Queer Enemy

Bedford, Indiana, Feb. 15 – One of the strangest stories that ever startled the people of this section was made public recently by Chief of Police John Gretzer of this city who tells a story of twelve long years of suffering that recently ended in the expulsion of a tapeworm that actually measured 35 feet in length.

During all these years the body of Bedford's police chief furnished a place of abode for this repulsive creature which sapped his strength and undermined his health. All of the nourishment taken into his stomach went to sustain the life of this monster whose voracious appetite at times demanded great quantities of food and at other times its presence would nauseate his victim to such an extent that he could not bear the sight of food. His digestion was ruined and all the functions of the stomach and bowels became deranged; his sleep was irregular, his face pallid and his breath offensive. There were severe pains in the region of his stomach, a sense of dizziness and floating spots before his eyes, but with all of these distressing symptoms, no one was aware of the real cause of the sufferer's trouble until recently.

A few weeks ago Col. Frank A. Dillingham of Cincinnati, Ohio, a widely known traveler and lecturer on disease, came to Bedford and Chief Gretzer at once laid his case before him. After being told of the remarkable success of Plant Juice in expelling tapeworms, the chief decided to give the medicine a trial and two days later held in his hand a bottle that contained the 35-foot parasite that had made his life a nightmare of pain and misery for twelve years, while he thanked the Plant Juice remedies for his relief.

Typed and donated by Randi Richardson.