The Bedford Star
April 24, 1875


Log teams are busy now----C. C. RICHARDSON comtemplates enlarging his saloon----Isaac RECTOR being the only justice in town, is kept pretty busy----Soda water is still froze up----New cucumbers, all the way from Louisiana, have made their appearance in town----Remember, boys, if you tear down bills, you will be fined and sent to jail----The Banner has in its museum the beard of a wild turkey eleven inches long, presented by Horace RICHARDSON---Ice merchants begin to think they will have to hold their ice over till '76----Stock hogs are said to be scarce all over the State----The surveying party on the B. & B. Railroad were driven in by the cold weather of last week, but they are out again, and think they will reach Bloomfield in time to get home to vote----The saw mill near Leesville, under the management of Alex. REED, was burned last week----Lycurgus DALTON, State Librarian, was in Bedford over Sunday last----Davis HARRISON, Robert H. CARLTON, James HARRISON, Samuel ANDERSON, Gus HOUSTON, Isaac FIDLER and Dean BARNS compose the company of surveyors on the B. & B. Railroad----The spelling matches are over till next winter----An effort is being made to revive the base ball club----Bill BELL is out on bail, his mother having signed the bond----Capt. JENKINS entertained two tramps on Saturday night last----The Ohio and Mississippi Railroad is carrying passengers from Louisville to St. Louis for one dollar--A little son of J. W. GLOVER is reported ill with pneumonia----Tax paying closed on Monday last, and we understand the delinquent list will not be unusually large----We hear it predicted that Chas. WOOLFOLK, our County Auditor, will have the first settlement sheet completed----A fruitless attempt was made by the prisoners to break the jail last week----Eld. W. N. LITTELL, of White Hall, Ind., occupied the pulpit of Christian Chapel last Sunday, on account of the illness of Eld. W. H. TILLER----The annual convention of the sabbath school workers of Lawrence county will be held at Tunnelton on the 19th of next month, Rev. T. A. STEELE, John LASWELL, Wm. R. JOLLY, T. F. JONES, A. B. COLE and Rev. John POUCHER will meet at the Presbyterian Church in Mitchell on the 26th inst. to prepare a progamme and arrange preliminaries----The front fence of the Christian Chapel has been moved back on a line with the building, which helps the looks of that corner----Go and hear Hon. G. W. FRIEDLEY on the new license law at Christian Chapel to-morrow evening----Picnics will soon be in order----Farmers are more than busy at present----Send us fifty cents and get a good local paper every Saturday----Business has been a little dull the past week, but we presume it will liven up as soon as the farmers get through planting corn in the snow and the weather becomes warmer----The township assessors are all hard at work----Wm. P. MALOTT and wife are off on a visit to Indianapolis----John H. MORROW has filed his bond in the sum of $8,000, and is at home----Yesterday was the anniversary of Wm. Shakspeare's birthday----The Independent seems glad that Amzi (?) MUNSON is not one of the Directors of the Southern Prison any more----As extra trains from Bloomington and Salem will be run to Bedford on the day of the great London show, a large crowd of people may be looked for here on the 4th day of May----It is said that property in Fayetteville has advanced a hundred per cent, since the survey of the railroad----None but the actual sufferers know any thing about how much suffering for the want of the actual necessaries of life there was in Bedford the past severe winter.



The following proceedings were adopted by DeWitt's Creek Grange, No. 1093, at their regular meeting Saturday evening, April 17, 1875.

WHEREAS, Our late worthy sister, Elizabeth GREGORY has been removed from our midst by the ruthless hand of death and the seat of a worthy member made vacant; Therefore

Resolved, That we always hold in remembrance her unsullied integrity as a Patron and her inestimable qualiteis as a true lady, by which she contributed greatly to the lustre of our order, which in the abrupt termination of her earthly career is deprived of an earnest and devoted sister.

Resolved, That by her removal from our lodge it has lost a sister who was dear to us; her husband, a faithful and loving companion; her children a kind and indulgent parent, and the community a cherished ornament.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased and a copy to the editors of the Bedford papers, requesting their publication.


Typed and donated by Diana Flynn.

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Only last week we were called upon to perform the painful yet bonden duty of announcing the death of one of Bedford's most esteemed gentlemen, J. L. Messick, and now comes the intelligence that a dear mother and faithful wife has been snatched from an almost heartbroken husband and grieving brood of children by the unsparing, relentless hand of death. We refer to the demise of Mrs. Peter Richards who died at half past six o'clock, Saturday evening, April 17, 1875, in the 41st year of her age, having been born in Lorraine, France, on the 27th day of June, A. D. 1834. This highly esteemed lady had been in ill health for several months, but the immediate cause of her death was lung fever. During all her illness she was nursed by her kind husband and children, assisted by faithful neighbors, but in spite of all their efforts, and the skill of the family physician, death was the victor. Aside from her husband and seven children, one at the breast, Mrs. Richards leaves a host of friends to mourn their loss.

The remains were conveyed to the Catholic Church on Monday afternoon last where the body was blessed by the Rev. Father Kessing, after which they were followed to the cemetery by a long procession of mourners, among whom were several from a distance.

Let us all sympathize with this bereaved family and pray that they may unite in aiding each other through this life and so live that, departing, they will be able to meet the dear one who has gone before.



Since writing the above, the infant son of the deceased, little Frank, has gone to join its mother. He had been quite puny since the illness of Mrs. (Peter) Richards, and his death was anticipated. The innocent little sufferer passed away on Thursday evening at half past seven o'clock and was laid at rest alongside its mother yesterday afternoon. Let the afflicted ones left behind seek consolation in that passage of scripture that reads, "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not."


The trade at the house of Cosner & Glover is running very heavy for the reason that it is a generally admitted fact by the people of Lawrence County that Wes Cosner is the closest and best buyer in Bedford, always paying cash for goods, and gives his customers the benefit of the discount. This house is now in receipt of an immense new stock of everything generally found in a first class dry goods and grocery house. Call and see for yourself.


When a competent, industrious and sober mechanic moves to our town with his family and signifies his intention of becoming a permanent resident of the place, it is the duty of everyone interested in the welfare and prosperity of Bedford, and desirous of having her population made up of useful and reliable persons, to aid him in the calling he pursues. Such a man as we have pictured is Mr. W. M. Morris, the first-class, west side merchant tailor whose reputation as a cutter and maker of fashionable clothing is as wide as his name is known. All who have patronized him since he came among us unite in pronouncing him the best, most reliable, most honest, and most gentlemanly tailor they ever dealt with. When you want a garment made, give Mr. Morris the contract, and you will never have occasion to regret it.


John McMillion is preparing to close out his saloon business and go into some other. He wishes all persons indebted to him to come forward immediately and make a settlement either by cash or note. He means exactly what he says and hopes he will not have to resort to the courts. Payment must be made by the first of May.



It's a very common thing now days to find men pretending to be watchmakers and deceiving the people by repairing watches when they know nothing about the trade whatever—repairing old parts instead of inserting new ones, rendering a good watch worthless for time and service. Take your watches to G. N. Rouse and have them repaired and made new. He is an old and experienced workman and can convince anyone of the fact who will call at the sign of the Big Watch south side of the square.

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Bland Beverly will be tried in Uniontown next week for shooting Ed. Callahan, formerly of this place, in August 1873. This is one of the instances of the law's delay.

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Mr. Archibald Day of this township is 82 years of age today and bids fair to see several more birthdays. In a conversation with him a few days since, he informed us that he knew of but one man in the township older than himself, old Mr. Rohrer.


Uncle Billy Tannehill says it has been 35 years since he worked at the printing business, but he has not forgotten the boxes yet and talks of going back to the case.


John Moroney, fireman on the engine G. F. Talman, has one of the cleanest and best looking engines that runs on this division. She always looks like she had just come out of the shop "brand new." John understands his business.

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As all dealers in liquors and tobacco have to renew their license by the first of May or close up, Horace Richardson, deputy internal revenue collector for the counties of Lawrence and Monroe, will be kept busy till that time.


John W. Littell, who had been confined to his bed at Mrs. Bright's boarding house with heart disease, was removed to home at White Hall, Indiana, on Monday last. He had been attending the B. M. and F. [difficult to read] College.



John Mader has recently rented the Ewald property on High Street and opened a hotel and boarding house where the public can always find the best table the markets afford, and good, comfortable rooms and beds. His prices will be as reasonable as the times will permit.

A newly furnished billiard room is connected with the house where guests and others who see fit can enjoy themselves in a nice, quiet game. He respectfully solicits a portion of the patronage of the public.


T. E. Busick, northwest corner public square, has opened a new harness shop in the corner room of the Rawlins block where he is prepared to furnish to order wagon, carriage and buggy harness of all kinds at the lowest prices. As to workmanship, he allows none to surpass him and holds the same in regard to lowness of prices. He keeps on hand a good stock of horse collars of all qualities.

All kinds of repairing done on short notice.

Go and see him for yourselves and you will find out he means business.


Mrs. Jonathan Woolery was buried at Heltonville on Sunday last. [See Webmaster notes below.]

Typed and donated by Randi Richardson.

Webmaster notes: It is unfortunate that news items from the past usually fail to include the first names of married women. In the 1870 U. S. Census, there is only one Jonathan Woolery listed in Lawrence county. He was enumerated in Pleasant Run township, along with his wife Harriet, who was said to be 53 years old at the time. The couple is also listed in the 1850 census, their last name spelled with two L's, and Harriet's age given as 35. The Indiana State Library's marriage data base lists a marriage between Jonathan Woolery and Herrietta Brown 11-17-1831 in Lawrence county, which could be the same couple.