Bedford Star
Saturday, June 5, 1875
The township assessors will "let up" Monday----The small boy now employs his spare time flying kites----A band of Gypsies passed througth town at an early hour one day this week----Col. Henry DAVIS returned home from Indianapolis----Wool has been coming into market pretty lively this week----Mrs. CHRISTOPHER was taken to Indianapolis Tuesday----A litte son of Mike O'CONNEL, died on Monday evening----A juryman on the CHRISTOPHER case has got the mumps. No wonder----The physicians report a great deal of sickness throughout the county----A son of Mr. MOORE has been visiting him, from Posey county----The warm weather and recent rains have caused everything to grow nice----We are informed that a number Bedford gentlmen will attend the Worthington races next week----The Lawrence Circut Court will end to-day----MCMILLION and FILLION have sold the right of twenty-three counties for their patent smoothing-iron----Jessee JOHNSON sheard three sheep and got forty-six pounds of wool----J. W. NEWLAND returned home from trip through the Southern States----Capt. COOK is working the road with his army----Huse CAMPBELL has four acres of potatoes----The pay car went north Tuesday distributing money----We are informed that it takes twenty-five kegs of beer a day for Bedford----The farmers feel better now than they did----J. C. CARLTON was in Cincinnati this week----Bob CARLTON brought some very fine geological specimens from Greene county----The amount of internal revunue collected by Horace RICHARDSON for May, was $311.77----J. D. THOMASSON was in the city this week--go and see the new goods----Fourth Quarterly Meeting commenced at M. E. Church last and will close to-morrrow night----There seems to be a deposition among the butchers to reduce the price of meat; echo, says reduce----The Fayettesville mill is doing good work----They say it rain lime stone on one of the bricks on High street one night this week----We are informed that Mr. HARRISON has a very fine collection of Lawrence county iron ore. He will send thm to the Centennial----We saw a young man come near being killed by cars on Tuesday----Have you worked the roads? If you have not go and work them while it is warm----Mr. KELLOGG the Atlas man was in town this week----Bedford ere long will rival Chicago in the lumber business, from the looks of the stacks around the depot----D. L. SHEEKS sheared 16 pounds of Wool off of one sheep. How is that----Forest BROWN has gone to Bunker Hill, Ill., ----Judge WILLSON returned from Indianapolis Saturday----Mike DECKARD was in town this week----We see our young friend Win. BROWN conducting one of the freight trains. Mr. B. is an gentlemanly and a accommodating young man and bids fair to make a first class railroad man----Sale of town lots tomorrow----Two more weeks and college will close.
Commissioners court convenes on Monday.
Circuit Court convenes at Bloomington Monday.
Highest Price in cash or goods for wool at the Woolen Mills.
We received a beautiful bouquet the other day.
Johns, flannels, blankets, and coverlets at the Bedford Woolen Mills.
What holds all the snuff in the world? No one nose.
Rev. Father KESSING, will be here on Tuesday and remain during the week.
All kinds of notions cheap at THOMASSONS.
There was a very hard storm here on Wednesday evening.
Extra styles indigo blue jeans, all varieties at THOMASSON's.
Are you going to the show at Mitchell Monday?
Lawns, all colors and styles, at THOMASSON's.
Bill HUSTONS is clerking in the drug store of R. H. CARLTON & Co.
Darby's mixture; for ladies summer suits at THOMASSONS.
There was a battle at lava beds the other night.
Mose REED now waiting on the customers at the Empire drug store.
One Hundred pairs of plow shoes below cost at DUNCAN & WALTER's.
Ben. BABBITT, of Lebanon, O., is here visitng his sister, Mrs. MADDEN.
L. B. HUGHES has got the patent milking machine in running order.
Don't forget the sale of town lots at the old fair ground, that comes off today.
Miss Lillie MATTHEWS, of New Albany is visiting her friends and relations in Bedford.
We are informed that there is one of the grandest weddings in high life to take place soon in Bedford.
The week ex-treasurer J. B. GLOVER, has been in town. He in all probability will return to us as a citizen before a great while.
Miss Carrie OVERMAN died of consumption, on Tuesday evening last. Her remains were taken to Mitchell on Wednesday.
The depot and store room of Peter MARTIN, at Clear Creek, was burned Saturday night. Loss $8,000.
Geo. J. BROWN vs. Polly MCMILLION's estate--verdict rendered in favor of G. J. BROWN. A motion was made for a new trial by the plaintiff, which was granted by the Judge, who said the verdict was contrary to law and the evidence and that he could not support it.
Lycurgus DALTON, State Librarian, has been spending the week with his friends in this place. He will return to his post next week.
The largest cat fish we have seen for some time, was captured by August KRAMER a few days ago. It raised the beam at fifty pounds.
Wanted, 200, 000 pounds of butter in exchange for goods at THOMASSON's.
The admission to the High School Exhitition at Town Hall is 10 cents; to the graduation excerses 15 cents. The exposition is free to all.
Cottanades, all styles at THOMASSON's.
The exercises at the Town Hall will be intersperced with most excellent music. Three of Louisville' best musicians will play with our home band. And Dr. CRIM comes over from Tunnelton, to "speele" the big "fiddle' which you see at JOHNSON's.
Eugene FRANCIS spent last Sunday in Salem. The Bedford boys like to go to Salem, we guess it is on account of her pretty young ladies.
Cyrus ERWIN is selling a patent self-acting lubricating oil cup for steam engines--it is best thing we have ever seen of that kind. Success, Cydie.
Full line of boots and shoes, all grades, cheap at THOMASSON's.
Counterfeit ten dollar bills on the National Bank of Richmond are in circulation in Monroe county.
MCINTYRE, the Superintendent of the State Asylum for the deaf and dumb, has brought a libel suit against the Indianapolis Sentinel.
Don't forget the sale of town lots on the 5th of June.
Seven masked men entered a house near Wood's ferry, on last Saturday night and came near killing the whole family. At last accounts they were in a very critical condition, we could not learn the particulars.
At a regular meeting of the Board of School Trustees on last Tuesday evening, the supt. MADDEN and all the teachers of the Schools were unanimously re-elected for another year.
DUNCAN & WALTERS have greatly reduced the price of their carpets. You can get a new carpet for near nothing. Go and see.
New style of prints, latest out at THOMASSON's.
MARRIED --On Tuesday, June 1, at 7 1/2 o'clock a. m. in New Albany, Ind.,
by the Rev. Wm. JORDON, Wm. H. BROWN, of this place, to Miss Laura DAVIS,
of New Albany. Henry is very smart young man and we hope the seal of Mr.
JORDON may never be broken until the package reaches destination.
And that
Hand in hand, with hearts united,
Ye are the bridegroom now and bride
Each to each hath fondly plighted
Eternal love till death divide,
While the poet's song would bless you,
>From his heart a prayer is given,
That shoud griefs of earth depress you,
Love may lift your hearts to heaven.
All grades and styles of goods usually sold in a general store can be found at THOMASSON's.
Mr. BRANT, Superintendent of Bedford Woolen Mills, has been repairing and fixing the different machines in the factory, we learn he will soon have every thing ready. Mr. B. is one of the finest mechanics in the west, and as for superintending a woolen factory he has no equal.
B. F. WILLIAMS, of Indianapolis, is in town this week, and just here let us say that there is not a drummer that comes to Bedford that has as many friends as Mr. B.
We stepped into MCDANIEL & Co's meat shop on Thursday and they had three kinds of meat for sale, viz: beef, mutton and pork, and they also keep onions and radishes. They have homemade hog sausage in their market on Thursdays. When you want anything in their line give them a call. They keep the best the market affords.
All kinds and grades of groceries for sale cheap at THOMASSON's.
We wish to call attention to the new advertisment of Messrs. THORTON Bros. This new firm knows the value of printers ink and how to use it. Our readers will do well to give the gentlemen a trial. Since they bought out Mr. FENIMORE they have been constantly replenishing their stock throughout and a finer assortment of dry goods, boots and shoes, groceries, etc, cannot be found in town. A large assortment of the very latest styles of parasols, gloves, fans, neck ties and ribbons will be received to-day. Ladies' call around and take advantage of having the first choice.
And now come Jacob REATH with his new patent ice cream freezer, which is a great improvemnt over the old way. His ice cream parlors are very beautiful indeed--they are not surpassed by any in the country. If you want to eat some ice cream go to REATH"S and Mrs. R. will wait on you and see that you want for nothing.
New potatoes and onions from the coast of Florida, growth of 1875; old potatoes from the State of Michigan, growth of 1874 at THOMASSON's. See the contrast.
New goods cheaper than heretofore sold, at THOMASSON's.
DIED--AT 8 o'clock on Monday May 31, 1875, Hew O"CONNEL, infant son of
Michael and Mary O'CONNEL, of ______(page cut off) aged 1 year. Little
Hewy __________ pet of the family and they feel _________ the sunshine of
their lives had _______-ed in his death. It is far better _____ him to go,
than to have to live ________- ted time in this world of sin and _______-
Go, tender boy, from mother's b_______
For Jesus called, in freshness ______
Our richest gift was this fair b_____
To lay at our dear Savior's feet
Typed and donated by Diana Flynn.