[The following information was provided by Janet DeWitt in 1998.]
History of the Huron School
The first school was held in the Beaver Creek Baptist Church which was located on the hill west, where the cemetery is now.
This building was a long house, made of rough hewn logs split in the center and pegs inserted in the ends to make the logs.
This building was used for several years. About 1853 a school was built a mile east of Huron. It was called the Jones School. This building was also a large one-room house also made of logs. The enrollment at one time was 27 grown pupils and a host of smaller ones. The last grade at the time was fifth grade. One of the most important books used was the New Testament. Hugh Burton and Valley Baker were two teachers that taught there. During the Civil War another building was built in town. This was North of the Baptist Church.
In 1883 the trustee, Jesse Conley, built a new school east of Baptist Church. This school was a two-story frame building. This school and church burnt down in 1892.
Another school building in the same place. It was a two-story frame building. It was in this building that the high school originated. Mr. Wiggley was the teacher for this. Latin, Botany, Algebra, and English were taught. This building was used until 1909 when it was replaced by a new building. The old building was moved by John Wilson to be used as a store. Later the store was used by Dennis Pruit. Some of the teachers in this school were Lawrence Mundy, John Wilson, Lizzie Chapman, William McNabb Sherwood.
The next building was erected on the same site as the former. Ollie C. Bryant was the trustee. This was a four-room two story building and cost around $6,000. The top story was the high school. The high school had only one teacher the first year, two the second year. The first to graduate were Lizzie Fortener, Maude Trowbridge and Delores King. This building was condemned and a new modern brick building was built in 1924 at a cost of $35,000. Additions were made over the years and it was used until 1959 when it burned down. A new block using the insurance and donations from many people was built. This was used for a few years.
The High School was sent to Mitchell in 1963. The elementary was sent later. 504 pupils have graduated from the Huron schools.
By Gladys "Tolbert" Tincher
Class of 1931

Graduates of Huron High School, 1911-1948
1911- Dolores King McClure
- Lizzie Quackenbush
- Maude Trowbridge
- Bufus Connerly
- Bertha Pruett Ervin
- Laura Ratcliff
- Everett Shipman
- Bessie Terry Scarlet
- Frank Thompson
- Clena Bex
- Edith Burton Duncan
- Ices Chapman Robinson
- Arthur D. Fortner
- Ella Hission Snow
- Penny Snow Fortner
- Fern Van Dyke Spindell
- Harry Dorsett
- Ora C. Terry
- Lowell Bridges
- Bessie Daniel Bridges
- Emma Dorsett Terry
- Leonard King
- Amy Terrell Potts
- Ford Burton
- Dewey Norman
- Fay P. Williams
- Foster Asbel
- Mary Daniel Brewer
- Mima Radcliff Baloch
- Florence Sheeks Ellis
- Mary Bridges Thomas
- Chlous Edwards Burton
- Pearl Mefford King
- Minnie Norman
- Glenn Terry
- Isis White Phipps
- Harley V. Terrell
- Howard Wilson
- Hobart Atchison
- Jackson McNabb
- Joseph Myers
- Myrtle Moffatt Pruett
- Hazel Richman Reynolds
- Lucille Snow Stapleton
- Ella Wilson Bridges
- John D. Wilson
- Wendell Bridges
- Alice Daniel Cannedy
- Escoe McKay
- Madge Sutton Ferguson
- Noble Sutton
- Byron Bridges
- Ruth Edmondson
- Elda Johnson
- George Snow
- Elsie Bex Wilson
- George Edwards
- Ira Edwards
- Rubine Milca Ethridge
- Charlotte Jones Spencer
- Jesse King
- Mildred Richman
- George Rizer
- Blanche Merry Terrell
- Earl Wilson
- Clarences Brothers
- Clarence Curtz
- Lee Edwards
- Neva Edwards
- Mary King Bridges
- Robert Richman
- Kathleen Sorrells King
- Kenneth Doane
- John M. Lynch
- Issac Wilson
- Katherine Bridges Akles
- Jewel Grissom Petty
- Dorothy Johnson McCameron
- Flossie Jones Willis
- Bernice Mundy
- Iris Wilson Brazor
- Noble Sorrells
- Lester Tincher
- Martha Wilson Lynch
- Gerald Winkler
- Hester Ball Linquist
- Harlan Fitch
- Lillian King Bridges
- Lucille Owens King
- Doyle Snow
- Tom Snow
- Leverne Terry
- Thurston Fitch
- Harold Lynch.
- Orland Morry
- Claribell Mundy Terry
- Gladys Telbert Tincher
- Cletis Magill
- Harris Mundy
- Monlo Tacket
- Leland Terrell
- Lloyd Terry
- LeeVern Atchison
- Myrtle Bex Morgan
- Fred Blevins
- Mable Carter Barlowe
- Wannetta Edwards Ayers
- Mary E. Fields Lessig
- Knefel Fortner
- James Garlowe
- Russell McClure
- Ernest Pridemere
- Roba Ritchison Ray
- Virginia Snow Fields
- Foreba Tinchor Bass
- Charles Wilson
- Clarence Carnes
- George Edwards
- Joseph Fields
- Dale Gerkin
- Wayne Mefford
- Arved Stroud
- Pauline Terry Hardwick
- Pearl Terry Messler
- Arthur Allen
- Stella Ball Terry
- Frances Bex Carnes
- Dean Bridges
- Ronald Bridges
- Pauline Dorsett Edwards
- Agnes Jones Blevins
- Pansy Snow Adcock
- Laverne Sorrells
- Josephine Stone Johnson
- Jeannette Terry Snow
- Imogene Tolbert Bolton
- Adah Watterson
- Mary Wilson
- Roxie Allen Williams
- Robert Baker
- Ethel Carter Stroud
- Floyd Connerly
- Virginia Fields Bennetts
- Glen Pridemore
- Nadine Radcliff McIvin
- Maxine Terrell Snow
- Ollie Atchison
- Dale Barlow
- Noble Wayne Fields
- Wilma Mefford
- Ida Paull Moore
- Vern Simpson
- Ermel Stroud
- Carmen Tietge McCully
- Cecil Williams
- Hubert Wilson
- Clarence Dorsett
- Dorsey Edwards
- Otha Fitch
- Perry Kendall
- Charles Lynch
- Clyde Terry
- Josephine Tincher Fitch
- Lola Mae Allen Quinn
- Ray Allen
- Pauline Bex Baker
- Russell Bowden
- Eugene Bridges
- Chester Carter
- Gerene Inman Treiani
- Edna King Richman
- Della Snow Troutman
- Romaine Sorrells
- Robert Barlow
- Lois Jane Carter
- Annabelle Clouse
- June Hunter Mundy
- Charles V. Jackman
- Vivian Kendall
- Herschell Landreth
- Geraldine Mundy Watterson
- Irwin Mundy
- Ruth Stevens Edwards
- Homer Allen
- Richard Baker
- Ruby Burton King
- Wilma Kendall
- Edith Lynch
- Eldcan Sorrells
- Rosabel Baker
- Wayne Beasley
- Helen Bex Cottengain
- Marjorie Bridges Bowden
- Flaura Jane Carroll
- Harry Dorsett
- Jayne Dunbar Purlee
- Lucille Edwards Tackett
- Francilla McDonald Colglazier
- Louise Ritchison
- Faustina Allen Worsham
- Lester Allen
- Vivian Bowden
- Harold Carter
- James Dunbar
- Bette Fields
- William Sorrells
- Robert Terry
- Benjamin Weasc
- Johnny Bill Wigley
- Kenneth Williams
- Eula Mae Blanton
- Rachel Cossna
- Lucille Etchison
- Lewis Gerkin
- Mary Frances McClung
- Marjoric Shocks Ball
- Ernest Simmerman
- Olin D. Sorrells
- Mary Stroud Bex
- Garrett Stroud
- Johnny Tincher
- Vernell Williams Way
- Ruby Allen
- Robert Bowden
- Venus Brown
- Bernadine Burton Terry
- Rex Freeman
- Imogene Mallatt
- Margaret Pruett
- Thelma Roberts
- Erma Spreen
- Fred Thompson
- Louise Wagoner
- Marlin White
- Nellie Williams
- Rosana Wright
- Sarah Jane Allen
- Robert Ball
- Colleen Carroll
- Bettie Edwards
- Virgil Gerkin
- Waunethah Lewis
- Mary Lynch
- Harriet McQueen
- Catherine Mefford
- Eddie Sorrells
- Leverne Terrell
- Pauline Tolbert
- Ruth Williams
- Robert Ball
- Helen Deaver
- Lloyd Gerkin
- Jame King
- Elaine Landreth
- Imogene Mundy
- William Tolbert
- Robert Williams
- Valma Ruth Williams
- Elizabeth Ann Blanton
- Nona Joan Bridges
- Noble Wayne Doane
- Donald Gene Gerkin
- Mary Alice King
- Donald Wayne Terry
- Geneviene Tolbert
- Mary Frances Tolbert
- Elida Madge Watterson
Watch this space for a table listing the graduates names alphabetically.